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Pole barn YouTube Videos

Showing 1-5 of 5 results
Split in Two: This Barn is Dividing Us | Soulianis – Ep. 133
Sailing Soulianis
Split in Two: This Barn is Dividing Us | Soulianis – Ep. 133
Welcome back to our little corner of the internet! After another unplanned hiatus (5 months — oof) we’re excited to finally share our barn build with you! This episode we finish all the groundwork in preparation to start building UP. We’re building ...
New Name, New Beginning | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 132
Sailing Soulianis
New Name, New Beginning | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 132
** Big thanks to our partner BoatUS for making this episode possible! Need new lettering for your boat? Go to to get started! ** Hellooooo!! Anyone here? We’re here, we’re here! What a break that was — 8 months! — of near-...
Going Big with ZERO Experience | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 131
Sailing Soulianis
Going Big with ZERO Experience | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 131
We decided to build a HUGE barn for our sailboat with absolutely zero construction experience. Is it… Crazy? Maybe. Educational? Better than school. Cost-effective? Jury’s out. Exciting? Never a dull moment ;D Come watch us prepare the foundation of ...
We Almost Lost a Foot! while Building our Barn | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 129
Sailing Soulianis
We Almost Lost a Foot! while Building our Barn | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 129
After nearly a year of planning, we’ve arrived at DAY ONE of our barn build: excavation! Seeing the earth being moved — the first real visual progress — is pretty thrilling. Prior to breaking ground, our discussions of the barn’s size and locatio...
S2E02 Boat Shed Build and Wave Rover Hull #1 Plan Availability
Sailing Wave Rover
S2E02 Boat Shed Build and Wave Rover Hull #1 Plan Availability
Starting out my day on my homestead, I then head off to the potential new boat shed and explain how I built it. I also explain when I expect that we will have building plans of Wave Rover hull #1 available. [ SUPPORT MY VIDEOS - PATREON ] Head over to my...