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Showing 31-38 of 38 results
LIVING THE DREAM. We meet the DELOS crew in Antigua.. Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 49
Sailing Ocean Fox
LIVING THE DREAM. We meet the DELOS crew in Antigua.. Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 49
#meetingfriends #lovelypeople We circumnavigate Antigua, what a beautiful island. First things first so a Beach BBQ it was on the agenda, this time with our friends Roberta and Jason. Going around the reefs is very dangerous around here so we are carefu...
From Island to Island in the CARIBBEAN.The dream of being in the Caribbean! Sailing Ocean Fox  Ep 48
Sailing Ocean Fox
From Island to Island in the CARIBBEAN.The dream of being in the Caribbean! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 48
#islandhoping #loveit We check out of St Lucia and depart to Martinique. Hunting for gas is always a big thing on this journey. We put the name of the boat on the Highfield. We have a beautiful sail down to Guadaloupe. Les Saints is a really nice little v...
CARIBBEAN DREAM.Barbados, we got married here! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 47
Sailing Ocean Fox
CARIBBEAN DREAM.Barbados, we got married here! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 47
#loveinBarbados #pinkbeaches We love Barbados as we got married here two years ago. After the crossing we decided that would be better do the laundry in a laundromat as it’s a lot to do from the four of us. The beaches in Barbados are amazing, they are ...
ATLANTIC CROSSING. Part II. Going WEST to BARBADOS. Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 46
Sailing Ocean Fox
ATLANTIC CROSSING. Part II. Going WEST to BARBADOS. Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 46
#gotosea gototheocean Second and last part of our Atlantic crossing, we are having a very easy crossing with light winds and no problems. Apart from a blocked toilet again, and this time is a bit difficult as we are at sea. We arrive at beautiful Barbados...
Our very first Atlantic crossing! Part I. Leaving CAPE VERDE.  Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 45
Sailing Ocean Fox
Our very first Atlantic crossing! Part I. Leaving CAPE VERDE. Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 45
#bestfishingever #somanyfish We depart from Mindelo for our first part of the second leg of the Atlantic crossing. We speak on our night shifts as we go along. Fishing is amazing, a huge distraction during the day. Simon explain the Portuguese Trade Wind...
DAMAGED SAILS on the Atlantic crossing. Chafing the sails! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 44
Sailing Ocean Fox
DAMAGED SAILS on the Atlantic crossing. Chafing the sails! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 44
#oceancrossing #lifeisgood We finish the first leg of our Atlantic crossing and arrive in Mindelo, Cape Verde. The town is very tidy and well kept but looks like they didn’t developed since they got independent. We have our toilet blocked again, what a...
No ForeignLand, the network for cruisers! Sailing Ocean Fox
Sailing Ocean Fox
No ForeignLand, the network for cruisers! Sailing Ocean Fox
#silorstosailors #cruisersinformation We meet Steve Neal who is the creator of the website No ForeignLand. A social network for sailors by sailors. The free to use program acts as a social media site and also gives you information about everything boat...
The LAND is behind us.ATLANTIC CROSSING to Cape Verde. BOAT LIFE. Sailing Ocean Fox  Ep 43
Sailing Ocean Fox
The LAND is behind us.ATLANTIC CROSSING to Cape Verde. BOAT LIFE. Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 43
#oceancrossing #bigadventure The big adventure is just about to start, first part of 2.300 nautical miles. We talk about what happens during the crossing on our night watches. Fishing is a huge distraction and we absolutely love it. Dobby our Sphinx cat is...