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Offshore sailing passage YouTube Videos

Showing 1-6 of 6 results
Submerged atoll 400 miles from land!
Sailing Parlay Revival
Submerged atoll 400 miles from land!
Sailed to Minerva reef from New Zealand. It is a submerged atoll in the middle of nowhere, that you can sail into. It provided shelter for us for 3 days until we continued on to Fiji! SV Parlay is a hurricane damaged Lagoon 450 catamaran, which Colin rebu...
1200 miles to Fiji…
Sailing Parlay Revival
1200 miles to Fiji…
Final moments leaving New Zealand, headed for Fiji, via minerva reef...
EMOTIONAL FAREWELL as we finally LEAVE NEW ZEALAND 😢 (Episode 276)
Sailing Parlay Revival
EMOTIONAL FAREWELL as we finally LEAVE NEW ZEALAND 😢 (Episode 276)
After an entire summer in New Zealand, and after successfully circumnavigating the country, we finally clear out of NZ and head offshore for a 1000 mile journey towards Fiji. Most of the crew have never done a passage like this, so emotions run high as we ...
The Good, the Bad, and the Dirty Side of Sailing
Folsom Ocean Views
The Good, the Bad, and the Dirty Side of Sailing
Sailing can be oh so good, bad or down-right unpredictable, dirty, and ugly! After spending time with the feral horses of Cumberland Island, it's time to continue sailing towards the Bahamas. And what a sail it was, maybe one of the best days we've had on...
Adventure Adrift
Climbing up the mast while underway, breaking our whisker pole in half while sailing down wind, and even doing a man overboard drill under sail to rescue a lost hat… This week’s episode is packed full of excitement! All while undersail as we say goodb...
BAJA BASH: THE EASY WAY [Adventure #102]
Adventure Adrift
BAJA BASH: THE EASY WAY [Adventure #102]
Sailing on our own terms, we go against the normal cruising route and continue our sailing passage north, heading up the Baja California peninsula. We sail close hauled and try to keep the actual bashing to the minimum, tacking our way up the coast. We a...