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Oceanlover YouTube Videos

Showing 16-20 of 20 results
An Interview With NEEL. Onboard of a trimaran! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 243
Sailing Ocean Fox
An Interview With NEEL. Onboard of a trimaran! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 243
#sponsorshipopportunity #buyingacatamaran #catamaransailing This week we have an interview with NEEL Catamarans and their UK supplier M.I.Cats. This is the NEEL 42, three cabin version layout . The interior is very ample with plenty of space for a big f...
We are participating onThe 34th Bodrum Cup.Regatta in the Med. Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 242
Sailing Ocean Fox
We are participating onThe 34th Bodrum Cup.Regatta in the Med. Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 242
#regatta #sponsorshipopportunity Yacht racing in heavy displacement boats, that is what make the Bodrum Cup so special. The regatta is held each year, now on its 34th season, The cup is raced over five days off the coast of Turkey and has around 100 boa...
An interview with Dehler46 SQ. Reviewing a boat at the Southampton Boat Show.Sailing Ocean Fox Ep241
Sailing Ocean Fox
An interview with Dehler46 SQ. Reviewing a boat at the Southampton Boat Show.Sailing Ocean Fox Ep241
#sponsorshipopportunity #buyingaboat This is the forth video of a series of programmes where we interview yachting companies about their product at the Southampton Boat Show 2022. This week we bring you an interview with Dehler 46 SQ. Russell Payne tells...
Boat Hunting in Turkey. Are we finally ready to buy another Catamaran? Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 238
Sailing Ocean Fox
Boat Hunting in Turkey. Are we finally ready to buy another Catamaran? Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 238
#sponsorshipopportunity #boathunting We arrived in Turkey, Bodrum and start our search for our new Ocean Fox. We are hopping to find a bargain, if one exists in the Catamaran world.We are looking for one that needs a lot of love and care so can give it ...
An Interview with Hanse 418. Boat Review at the Southampton Boat Show. Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 237
Sailing Ocean Fox
An Interview with Hanse 418. Boat Review at the Southampton Boat Show. Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 237
#sponsors #sponsorship #sponsorshipopportunity This is the second of a series of programmes where we interview yachting companies about their product at the Southampton Boat Show 2022. This week we bring you an interview with Hanse and their stunning 4...