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Ocean cruisers podcast YouTube Videos

Showing 1-5 of 5 results
Should You Charter a Yacht in Greece?! | Sailing Wisdom [S5 Ep13]
Rigging Doctor
Should You Charter a Yacht in Greece?! | Sailing Wisdom [S5 Ep13]
▸ SUBSCRIBE DIRECTLY with us so you never miss an episode: ▸ PHOTOGRAPHY FROM OUR VOYAGE: Sail with George invited @RiggingDoctor, @Bumsonaboat, @seethelittlethings, @JoshPostVlo...
Welcome to the CARIBBEAN! | Sailing Sunday | Ep.157
Sailing Sunday
Welcome to the CARIBBEAN! | Sailing Sunday | Ep.157
After just sailing Sunday across the Atlantic Ocean, we land on the French Caribbean island of Martinique and spend a week just enjoying Caribbean Boat Life. After a good rest form our 16 day journey we travel up the coast of Martinique enjoying all the be...
FIVE YouTube channels on a boat!
Sailing Fair Isle
FIVE YouTube channels on a boat!
If you've been watching the last few episodes of Sailing Fair Isle you'll know that we've been sailing with five other sailing channels in the Aegean. Well this is what happened when we all sat down for a chat! Grab a cup of tea, it's quite long! You wil...
Ep52  |  Sailing with a following wind
Sailing Fair Isle
Ep52 | Sailing with a following wind
We had a fantastic week sailing around the Greek islands with five other YouTube sailing channels. I hope you find this video as exciting as we found the trip. Do check out the other channels, links here: @seethelittlethings @RiggingDoctor @JoshPostVlo...
Ep50  |   Pounding the waves to Delos
Sailing Fair Isle
Ep50 | Pounding the waves to Delos
The Meltemi has ben blowing 30 knots for the last two weeks so navigating the Aegean has been a challenge, but it's been a rewarding one. We also have an exciting announcement in this episode about our up-coming meeting with these guys... See the Little Th...