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Ocean crossing sailboat YouTube Videos

Showing 1-10 of 10 results
How You Can Survive Seasickness
David Shih
How You Can Survive Seasickness
Get a Free Week & 60% off an Annual subscription with my sponsor Speakly: How to deal with seasickness... and how it almost ruined this video series before it started. This is Day 1 of the Pacific crossing. Everyone ...
20-12_Pacific Ocean Crossing III –  Lucky Again
sailing ZERO
20-12_Pacific Ocean Crossing III – Lucky Again
Ahoy, an ocean passage is always a journey into the unknown. Thats why its such a big adventure. To say it with the wise words from Captain Ron: "If it's gonna happen it's gonna happen out there.." And he's right. like always. Our stop at the Islas Revill...
20-11_Pacific Ocean Crossing – Sharks and Mantas in Socorro (sailing ZERO)
sailing ZERO
20-11_Pacific Ocean Crossing – Sharks and Mantas in Socorro (sailing ZERO)
Ahoy, As our Crossing proceeds we stopped at Isla Socorro. A legendary dive destination to see big sharks and the huge Oceanic Manta Rays. As this is something we all had on our Bucketlist we dove down and found them. Or did they found us? What a pleasure ...
#116 BROKEN ARM and the BLACK PEARL | Sailing SISU Leopard 45 CATAMARAN
Sailing Sisu
#116 BROKEN ARM and the BLACK PEARL | Sailing SISU Leopard 45 CATAMARAN
Valletta is such a gem of place, wish we had more time to explore. St Johns Cathedral must be one of the most exquisite cathedrals we have ever visited. And then Petro broke her arm, like in real bad . . . stupid mistake of wearing shoes inside the ding...
#114 REALTIME UPDATE: Mid ATLANTIC Xmas and new year with a 2020 recap | Sailing Sisu Leopard 45
Sailing Sisu
#114 REALTIME UPDATE: Mid ATLANTIC Xmas and new year with a 2020 recap | Sailing Sisu Leopard 45
In YouTube time are we in Malta, however, in real-time as you watch this video, are we somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic. We scheduled the video for you to provide you with recap of 2020, but also to tell you what other exciting stuff is still in the...
Sailing Sisu
After more than 15 000 nautical miles, does passage sailing become boring? HELL NO!! There is always something to do on passage. Join us on our passage from Turkey to Malte and see what we get up to. We've done this in a 2 episode stint, as there is rea...
Pacific Crossing during COVID-19 closed borders around us #1 – EP 127 Sailing Seatramp
Sailing Seatramp
Pacific Crossing during COVID-19 closed borders around us #1 – EP 127 Sailing Seatramp
We were more or less ready with everything to prepare for the Pacific crossing when Covid-19 hits the world. We had to make a decision, staying in Panama or leaving to French Polynesia. A day before Panama makes the Lockdown, we decide to leave. We are ...
Our Cruising Philosophy | Sailing Wisdom
Rigging Doctor
Our Cruising Philosophy | Sailing Wisdom
What does it mean to “Go Cruising”? Herby and Maddie talk about what it means to them and how this philosophy has affected their view on cruising over the past two and a half years of sailing the world. Patreon: ...
We’re in a WASHING MACHINE! (Sailing SV Sarean) EP. 76
Sailing SV Sarean
We’re in a WASHING MACHINE! (Sailing SV Sarean) EP. 76
LIKE WHAT WE DO? Hop on over to our Patreon page where our biggest fans help make these videos possible: SUBSCRIBE at: Do you ever wonder what it's like to be an article of...
IS SAILING SCARY? IS SAILING DANGEROUS?? Check this out: Ocean Cruising Made SAFE & SIMPLE! (Ep 82)
Sailing Zatara
IS SAILING SCARY? IS SAILING DANGEROUS?? Check this out: Ocean Cruising Made SAFE & SIMPLE! (Ep 82)
You can live this lifestyle too! BlueWater Cruising will show you how: Is sailing scary? Is it dangerous? After watching this video, you'll learn that sailing--even crossing thousands of miles of blue water--is actua...