Ocean crossing YouTube Videos
Showing 1-15 of 557 results

Getting our aluminum sailing catamaran back on the water is no small task! From maintenance and repairs to essential upgrades, there's a long list of jobs to tackle. In this video, we take you through everything that needs to be done before we can set sail...
Corrosion is a major concern for aluminum boats. In this video, we share the corrosion issues we’ve faced on our performance cruising catamaran, Jupiter², and how we’re tackling them. Learn about different types of corrosion, prevention methods, and w...
ALUMINUM BOAT CORROSION: Causes, Prevention, and Fixes – EP200
Aluminum boats are tough, but corrosion can be a real problem if you don’t take the right precautions. In this video, we break down the different types of corrosion that affect aluminum boats—galvanic, electrolytic, and crevice corrosion—and show you...
FROM OCEAN CROSSING to BOAT WORK… the reality of sailing life
FROM OCEAN CROSSING to BOAT WORK... the reality of sailing life We made it to South Africa. After an incredible ocean crossing, we check into the country, experience some traditional South African food, and of course, start the never ending boat maintena...
What Does it Actually Cost $$$ to CROSS an Ocean?? (Calico Skies Sailing, Ep. 249)
Enjoying our channel? Consider joining the Calico Skies Patreon Crew for as little as $2 a month to get lots of extra goodies :) https://www.patreon.com/CalicoSkiesSailing Thanks to @Sailing_Songbird for providing information to help with this video 0:0...
‘My Nude Greek Life’ Part 2 • Season 4 (special extended cut!) • Sailing ALL of Greece (E-W)
Welcome to this extended SPECIAL CUT of our Season 4 Sailing Adventures - reproduced for your enhanced viewing pleasure. Get an exclusive 15% discount on Saily data plans! Just use our code [hollyblue] at checkout. Simply Download Saily app or go to h...
WILD SEAS & BIG FISH!! Rounding the Cape of MADAGASCAR! Sailing Reunion Island to Madagascar. Ep 381
THIS GOT REAL NASTY!! Our Perfect passage turned into a nightmare! But catching BIG FISH always cheers you up! Sailing from Reunion island to Madagascar! This passage can be broken down into 3 parts. The first 500 miles is trade wind sailing across to the...
Major fuel issues as we cross the BERING SEA (Northwest Passage pt4)
Sailing from Nunivak Island to Nome! This is the 4th leg of our Northwest Passage attempt. 💥 These videos are crowdfunded! You can support the creation of the videos on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/alluringarctic Patrons get access to ad-free video...
THIS GOT GNARLY! Wild Sailing to MADAGASCAR! | Sailing Reunion Island to Madagascar..Part one Ep 380
Join Millions of other people in over 170 countries selling online, in-person, and across border using Shopify. For your free trial, click the link 👉 http://shopify.com/FrothLyfe Our time in Reunion Island comes to an end as we have a great weather win...
Battling a Gale on Our Passage Across the BERING SEA
Sailing across the Bering Sea in borderline not-so-nice conditions. This is part of our attempt to sail the Northwest Passage (check the playlist below). 💥 These videos are crowdfunded! You can support the creation of the videos on Patreon: http://www...
The INDIAN Ocean BROKE our BOAT!! Sailing Nandji – Ep 379
Keep your home secure with Reolink. Check out the Atlas PT Ultra 👉 https://reolink.com/product/altas-pt-ultra/?aff=614 and on Amazon - https://amzn.to/3Y3tLo3 What man makes, the sea will break is how the saying goes, and after sailing over 3000 mile...
The INDIAN Ocean BROKE our BOAT!! Sailing Nandji – Ep 379
Keep your home secure with Reolink. Check out the Atlas PT Ultra 👉 https://reolink.com/product/altas-pt-ultra/?aff=614 and on Amazon - https://amzn.to/3Y3tLo3 What man makes, the sea will break is how the saying goes, and after sailing over 3000 mile...
Sailing the NORTHWEST PASSAGE. Aleutians to False Pass!
Sailing along the Aleutian Peninsula to False Pass! This is the 2nd leg of our Northwest Passage attempt. 💥 These videos are crowdfunded! You can support the creation of the videos on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/alluringarctic Patrons get access t...
Sailing the NORTHWEST PASSAGE. Aleutians to False Pass!
Sailing along the Aleutian Peninsula to False Pass! This is the 2nd leg of our Northwest Passage attempt. 💥 These videos are crowdfunded! You can support the creation of the videos on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/alluringarctic Patrons get access t...