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Northern norway YouTube Videos

Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Solo sailing. Winter. [ep5]
Alluring Arctic Sailing
Solo sailing. Winter. [ep5]
Arctic sailing continued! Solo sailing in the wintertime. The winter weather in Norway might be a bit unstable, but I got used to sailing while it's snowing...
REAL winter sailing with orcas and humpbacks – Norway [ep2]
Alluring Arctic Sailing
REAL winter sailing with orcas and humpbacks – Norway [ep2]
What's it like to live a board sail above the Arctic Circle through the whole winter? The whale watching is great and there's lots of humpbacks and orcas.
Skiing & sailing in Norway, above the Arctic Circle – living aboard my sailboat [ep0]
Alluring Arctic Sailing
Skiing & sailing in Norway, above the Arctic Circle – living aboard my sailboat [ep0]
I'm Juho, and I'm now sailing and skiing in Northern Norway. I live aboard my sailboat s/y Sylvia and am currently spending my second winter here.