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New Projects YouTube Videos

Showing 1-6 of 6 results
WE Sail Our New Boat Across the Baja | Episode 138
WE Sail Our New Boat Across the Baja | Episode 138
We finally get to untie the docks lines and take our new boat out for our maiden voyage across the Baja. We have been working hard on getting the boat prepared for sailing. VA has been sitting on the dock for the last 3 months during the summer and has rec...
Work Hard, Play Harder | Episode 137
Work Hard, Play Harder | Episode 137
One thing we know for sure is how to work hard, but no doubt play & travel harder. We have just spent 3 weeks working non-stop, day in and day out since we got back down to VA. However, it's time that we take a little break from all the boat upgrades...
Officially Together in our New Boat | Episode 136
Officially Together in our New Boat | Episode 136
It has been a wild summer and we have covered many miles yet again to going from Mexico to Hawaii to the West Coast of the USA and back to Mexico then Colorado and again back to Mexico. Whoa! We are officially back together again and this time on our new ...
Over Worked & Over Heated Boat Projects | Episode 135
Over Worked & Over Heated Boat Projects | Episode 135
Warren has been working so hard on so many projects and upgrades on the boat. It's the middle of the summer in Mexico and he is installing new solar panels, re-wiring power lines, working in small tight spaces and starting to feel the heat, meanwhile I (Er...
Upgrades & Improvements on Our New Boat | Episode 134
Upgrades & Improvements on Our New Boat | Episode 134
WE begin to work again on the boat, well actually just Warren begins to work on the new projects and upgrades for our New Fountaine Pajot Helia 44. We have a list of upgrades and improvements that we would like to have done on VA, many similar to the pro...
WE Sold Our Boat & Started New Projects | Episode 132
WE Sold Our Boat & Started New Projects | Episode 132
We start a new chapter of adventures but this time it's on a new boat. We have officially moved aboard our new 2015 Fountaine Pajot Helia sailing catamaran and begin the process of handing over the baton to the new owners of Evolias. A lot of emotions ar...