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Nandji sailing YouTube Videos

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
MARLEY, the Sailing Whippet | Sailing with a dog, How we do it! (Sailing Nandji) Ep 138
Sailing Nandji - Frothlyfe
MARLEY, the Sailing Whippet | Sailing with a dog, How we do it! (Sailing Nandji) Ep 138
Sailing with a Dog, We Do it! Life wouldn't be the same without our crew member! In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we give some information about our pet dog MARLEY the Sailing Whippet. We have been sailing offshore for 2 ye...
Sailing the Most Beautiful Place in the World (Sailing Nandji) Ep 99
Sailing Nandji - Frothlyfe
Sailing the Most Beautiful Place in the World (Sailing Nandji) Ep 99
If i was ever to have an Eye-gasm.. it would happen here! Most spectacular place i've ever been! This week on Sailing Nandji, we make the decision to sail of the beaten path and head super remote in search of the most beauti...
On a mission from Delos – Sailing Nandji, Ep 74
Sailing Nandji - Frothlyfe
On a mission from Delos – Sailing Nandji, Ep 74
Brady from SV Delos gets in contact with us and sends us on a mission. Detectives Yosh & Bon, Super Slooths In this episode of Sailing Nandji, Marley and Bonita go for a little excerise and run into a pack of dogs who wan...
Christmas on a Sail boat, Florida Islands – Sailing Nandji, Ep 65
Sailing Nandji - Frothlyfe
Christmas on a Sail boat, Florida Islands – Sailing Nandji, Ep 65
Christmas on a sail boat, in the Solomon Islands! Visiting a village, WW2 relics, diving, playing with the kids and trading with the many visiting canoes! Nandji Life In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we prepare Nandji for s...