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Monohull sailboat tour YouTube Videos

Showing 1-15 of 15 results
CS30 Sailboat FULL TOUR ($20,000 – Tiny – Sleeps 6 – Sails Fast – Canadian Sailcraft)
Adventureman Dan
CS30 Sailboat FULL TOUR ($20,000 – Tiny – Sleeps 6 – Sails Fast – Canadian Sailcraft)
Welcome to "Lee Rig". A Canadian Sailcraft monohull sailboat. This tour dives into how much boat CS has packed into such a small boat footprint. In my oppinion, the BEST 30' sailboat I've toured to date! Check it out! ____________________________________...
Full  SAILBOAT TOUR  [Affordable 46ft Am, Comfortable, Reliable, Ocean Sailing Monohull]
Adventureman Dan
Full SAILBOAT TOUR [Affordable 46ft Am, Comfortable, Reliable, Ocean Sailing Monohull]
Welcome onboard Bon Edda. A 1986 Amel Maramu ketch rigged monohull sailboat. Ken & Renee have recently refitted this beautiful & capable sailboat so they can go anywhere, and in comfort. Amel is a very well known brand of open ocean sailing vessels. As you...
Solo Sailor Does EVERYTHING Herself! (She’s Done All The HARDEST Boat Projects!!!)
Adventureman Dan
Solo Sailor Does EVERYTHING Herself! (She’s Done All The HARDEST Boat Projects!!!)
The purpose of this video is to highlight the difficulty's and rarity of a woman doing all the hardest boat projects, all while living in a boatyard. And to encourage more women to follow in Nicole's independent can do attitude. To cast off the dock lines ...
FULL BOAT TOUR [$7,000 Concrete Sailboat] Man Living In Paradise for $0.00
Adventureman Dan
FULL BOAT TOUR [$7,000 Concrete Sailboat] Man Living In Paradise for $0.00
Watch this captivating YouTube video about Blake Sparrow's journey from Louisiana to the US Virgin Islands. See how he transformed a $7,000 homemade concrete sailboat into his dream home at sea. Explore the unique challenges and adventures that await those...
Full  SAILBOAT TOUR  [50ft, DIY Repaired, Youtuber’s Self Sufficient Ocean Sailing Beneteau Monohull
Adventureman Dan
Full SAILBOAT TOUR [50ft, DIY Repaired, Youtuber’s Self Sufficient Ocean Sailing Beneteau Monohull
Welcome to this FULL sailboat tour of "Spearit Animal"! A 2006 Beneteau Cyclades 50.5. This boat has been painstaking, restored & refitted from complete neglect and near destruction... to be a full-time international cruising & liveaboard sailboat...
Full Sailboat Tour (81′ Yacht World Sailing Schooner )
Adventureman Dan
Full Sailboat Tour (81′ Yacht World Sailing Schooner )
Welcome aboard "Arrow"! An 81' double masted schooner world sailing dream boat. Sailed both privately and at times chartered for profit. At the helm of this ocean, crossing capable sailboat is a captain with more than 500,000 nautical miles under his belt!...
40′ Beneteau Oceanis Full Sailboat Tour (Wonderful Turkish Couple)
Adventureman Dan
40′ Beneteau Oceanis Full Sailboat Tour (Wonderful Turkish Couple)
Join me on this in depth full sailboat tour. As I do a complete walk through of this beautiful 40' Beneteau Oceanis center cockpit sloop rigged monohull sailboat. And then stay tuned for a very personal look at the incredible hospitality the sailing commun...
Best Sailboat For Solo Sailing  {Budget Liveaboard Cruiser}  [Capable & Affordable 35′ $ailboat]
Adventureman Dan
Best Sailboat For Solo Sailing {Budget Liveaboard Cruiser} [Capable & Affordable 35′ $ailboat]
WELCOME!!! To this full in-depth boat tour of a beautiful 1987 S2 35C. "Freda Kai" is a center cockpit sloop rigged monohull sailboat. She has a 6' draft, 50' air draft, 12'6" beam and a 29hp Volvo engine. Sailing at an average speed of 5.9 knots. While sp...
Full SAILBOAT TOUR {Tiny 30ft, Full Time Live Aboard, & Ocean Sailing Monohull} Now 4 Sale @ $19,500
Adventureman Dan
Full SAILBOAT TOUR {Tiny 30ft, Full Time Live Aboard, & Ocean Sailing Monohull} Now 4 Sale @ $19,500
This boat is now for sale: WELCOME!!! To this full in-depth tour of my friends Huub's tiny sailboat. S/V "Limonada" is a 1971 Alberg 30. It's a slooped rigged, full keel monohull sailboat that's acquired a ton ...
Tiny Home, Big Adventure: Our AMAZING 46′ Boat Tour | Sailing Sunday
Sailing Sunday
Tiny Home, Big Adventure: Our AMAZING 46′ Boat Tour | Sailing Sunday
Welcome aboard our 46' yacht, our tiny home on the water! We're excited to show you around our cozy and luxurious tiny home that travels the world!
Paradise Living! [Day #19]
Adventureman Dan
Paradise Living! [Day #19]
Leaving one amazing spot. Raising anchor, bashing through waves, avoiding running aground, and making our own mooring. It's what it takes to live this life of adventure! Though life may seem easy when it's put into a montage. The rigger of each day living...
Living My Dream! {{{Sailing Life Forever!}}}
Adventureman Dan
Living My Dream! {{{Sailing Life Forever!}}}
THIS is my dream life! It's taken years of my life, all my money, and soo much blood sweat and tears. But I'm finally living it! . . If you've enjoyed this video, please consider becoming a Patron:
Full  SAILBOAT TOUR  [Affordable 38ft, Self Sufficient, Reliable, Ocean Sailing Monohull]
Adventureman Dan
Full SAILBOAT TOUR [Affordable 38ft, Self Sufficient, Reliable, Ocean Sailing Monohull]
WELCOME!!! To this full in-depth tour of my beautiful 1984 Beneteau Idylle 11.5m or 38' long sloop rigged monohull sailboat. My humble home upon the sea. Three years ago, I went up and down the East coast of the USA looking for a sailboat to buy. With a c...
First year after buying a SMALL 28ft boat | CHASING CURRENTS Ep2 BOAT LIFE
Chasing Currents
First year after buying a SMALL 28ft boat | CHASING CURRENTS Ep2 BOAT LIFE
WE HAVE A COOKBOOK! - grab it on Kindle here. Please let us know if there's any issues in purchasing :) Thanks all x UK SITE-
Motorsailer For Sale (OMG He got So Mad!) – Not Your Typical Sailing Boat Survey Durbeck Ketch
Sailing Dawn Hunters
Motorsailer For Sale (OMG He got So Mad!) – Not Your Typical Sailing Boat Survey Durbeck Ketch
⛵🌒 In this episode of the 'Rotten Fish Score' Dawn Hunters are helping old friend to find a new home! Today we are looking at a gorgeous Motorsailer For Sale right here in South Florida for Randy Greenfield. Jump onboard with us! ⛵🌒Buying a live...