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Metal Fabrication YouTube Videos

Showing 586-600 of 606 results
Seeker LIVE – Apr 15, 2017 – Welding, Creativity, Anodes, Wood for the Boat
SV Seeker
Seeker LIVE – Apr 15, 2017 – Welding, Creativity, Anodes, Wood for the Boat
FaceBook: Blog: Store:
Metal Casting, Aluminum Bronze and Back to Welding
SV Seeker
Metal Casting, Aluminum Bronze and Back to Welding
Nathan rode in from snowy Michigan. Along with Bart we finished casting the bow rollers and cleats for Aluminum Bronze and then Nathan demonstrated once more that you can become a proficient MIG welder in less than 5 minutes. Step by Step Aluminum Castin...
Seeker LIVE   Apr 1, 2017   Metal Casting, Plasma Tables, and other stuff
SV Seeker
Seeker LIVE Apr 1, 2017 Metal Casting, Plasma Tables, and other stuff
We started off our Saturday 10 am Live Feed with some casting and we got 5 pours done today. Betsy shot a second casting of a bow roller later in the day that is posted on the FaceBook Thanks to...
Seeker LIVE – Casting Patterns, CAD 2D to 3D, and Pepakura
SV Seeker
Seeker LIVE – Casting Patterns, CAD 2D to 3D, and Pepakura
The ships blacksmith Sean White is back with to show his paper working skills. And we answer that persistent question about getting a US Coast Guard Certification. And show some of the casting patterns we are working on. Metasequoia: http://www.metase...
Tender Davits, CNC Routing and more
SV Seeker
Tender Davits, CNC Routing and more
Almost done with the davits, getting along cutting patterns for casting our bow rollers. Making plans for adding a 3D printer to our Tormach CNC mill, and still thinking about where to put wheels under the boat. Many thanks to Herb for his help! FaceBoo...
Seeker LIVE – Mar 18, 2017 – 501c3, Tormach 3D Printer, Tools and Storage
SV Seeker
Seeker LIVE – Mar 18, 2017 – 501c3, Tormach 3D Printer, Tools and Storage
Join us for Betsy's coffee cake and meet Herb who is launching a fascinating career in gymnastics for paraplegics. And we are looking for tool for our CNC Mill. R8 spindle, hold down, vice and cutting tool donations are welcomed. FaceBook: https://www....
Tormach CNC Setup, Bending Pipe, Plasma Cutting and more
SV Seeker
Tormach CNC Setup, Bending Pipe, Plasma Cutting and more
We managed to work around the weather that Jim Hensel brought with him from Portland Oregon and got a bunch of work done. The davit pipes are bent, the bow roller plate is cut, the Tormach PCNC 770 has a stand and enclosure, and we have wheels for the boa...
Seeker LIVE – Mar 11, 2017 – Tormach Mill Stand, Steel Rack, and Davits
SV Seeker
Seeker LIVE – Mar 11, 2017 – Tormach Mill Stand, Steel Rack, and Davits
FaceBook Group: FaceBook Page: Blog: Store:
Cleaning, Sewing, Organizing, New Tools and Boat Building
SV Seeker
Cleaning, Sewing, Organizing, New Tools and Boat Building
Our new Tormach CNC Mill arrived and we made room for it and spruced up the shop and yard. Many thanks to our crew. I just love that folks. We had Bruce from Oklahoma City who is going to help with our hydraulics, Joachim who was in the States from No...
Seeker LIVE Mar 4, 2017 –  Shop Remodel
SV Seeker
Seeker LIVE Mar 4, 2017 – Shop Remodel
Excellent weekend. Bruce came up from OKC and he it going to be helping design our hydraulic system. Leigh and Caroline stopped in from New Brunswick. Awesome to spend the weekend with a man that has spent his life on the water. Jack and Bart and Joac...
Seeker LIVE Feb 18, 2017 –  ROV and Davits
SV Seeker
Seeker LIVE Feb 18, 2017 – ROV and Davits
This is last Saturday's Live session. We do these Saturday at 10 am -6 GMT on the FaceBook Group: This group is also a Troll Free Zone were you are welcome to share your input and your own projects. Davit Des...
Seeker LIVE Feb 4, 2017
SV Seeker
Seeker LIVE Feb 4, 2017
FaceBook: Blog: Store:
Seeker LIVE Jan 21, 2017
SV Seeker
Seeker LIVE Jan 21, 2017
Join us every Saturday morning at 10 am (Central Time Zone in the US) for this Facebook Live broadcast. Get notifications and join in on the chatter at the SV Seeker Group at Sorry the video is not landscape. My...
Companionway Lift and more…
SV Seeker
Companionway Lift and more…
Dirtpatcheaven Interview: I question myself when I want to add something that I have never seen on a boat. But this one just makes a lot of sense to me, and lugging the 80 pound welder, and plasma c...
Cabin Frames, Bow Roller Mods, and a Rocket Stove
SV Seeker
Cabin Frames, Bow Roller Mods, and a Rocket Stove
Sometimes you need to slow down and relax, and when you don't you loose $100 parts to the drill, the welder breaks down, the plasma torch dies, your laptop dies, and you catch a cold. Maybe these are good things. Maybe it's the Universe making us slow do...