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Maupihaa YouTube Videos

Showing 1-6 of 6 results
Good-Bye French Polynesia; Sailing to Suwarrow, Cook Islands | Episode 264
Good-Bye French Polynesia; Sailing to Suwarrow, Cook Islands | Episode 264
Sailors bid farewell to the breathtaking beauty of French Polynesia, embarking on an exhilarating voyage across open waters towards the enigmatic Cook Islands. Experience their incredible journey, complete with unexpected twists and tranquil moments of pea...
Do WE Really Have to Leave? | Episode 263
Do WE Really Have to Leave? | Episode 263
Welcome back to another episode of WE|Sail, guess what...we are still in French Polynesia. This must be a sign or something that she isn't wanting us to go just yet either. We have delayed our departure for just a little longer as we wait out for a good w...
Sailing to Our Last Island in French Polynesia | EPISODE 262
Sailing to Our Last Island in French Polynesia | EPISODE 262
Join weSail as they sail to their last island in French Polynesia. Explore local culture, learn insider tips from locals, enjoy incredible wildlife encounters, and make memories of a lifetime. From navigating treacherous passes to finding perfect anchorage...
Leaving Maupihaa, French Polynesia / Sailing Aquarius RAW
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Leaving Maupihaa, French Polynesia / Sailing Aquarius RAW
As requested by our Patreons and subscribers, we launching a new series - Sailing Aquarius RAW. It’s unedited footage - sailing or “on land” footage for your coffee break. Let us know what kind of RAW footage you would like to see. This one is fil...
Tricky navigation and the most narrow pass ever, into Maupihaa atoll, Ep 34 Hilma Sailing
Hilma Sailing
Tricky navigation and the most narrow pass ever, into Maupihaa atoll, Ep 34 Hilma Sailing
According to the charts the water around Bora Bora were to shallow for us but we wanted to go to the other side to snorkel so we tried anyway.The tiny passage into Maupihaa was scary! 1 knots one way, 11 knots the other way but we made it and we loved that...
Maupiha’a  French Polynesia close traffic incident with a WHALE!!! /  Sailing Aquarius #45
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Maupiha’a French Polynesia close traffic incident with a WHALE!!! / Sailing Aquarius #45
Crazy waves leaving Maupiti rocks Aquarius! The bad weather, and large waves continue during the 110 mile overnight crossing from Maupiti to Maupiha'a… This is one of the toughest crossings we have ever made!!! For a few hours after arriving the Maupih...