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Showing 1-15 of 106 results
CAMPING in Islamabad
Huub Vlogs
CAMPING in Islamabad
Traveling Central & East Asia by campervan ———————————————————————————— Want to see real-life updates and chat? Would you like to support once through Paypal? ht...
Esper Refit 25 – rubbing strake & toe rail in all new teak
Esper Refit 25 – rubbing strake & toe rail in all new teak
Become a followtheboat patron by following this link: Subscribe to our youtube channel here: Catch our blog at: And get ...
20130410 Meribel HenH
Cat Greatcircle
20130410 Meribel HenH
Nog een paar daagjes skien in Meribel met Harry en Hedwig
20130314 Meribel
Cat Greatcircle
20130314 Meribel
Paar dagen skiën in Meribel
20120428 Albenga – Alassio and back over the Alps
Cat Greatcircle
20120428 Albenga – Alassio and back over the Alps
Departure from Albenga Villanova LIMG along the coast to Genua and back home again over the Alps at FL140. Overnight stop in Southern Germany at Donaueschingen EDTD.
20120423 Over the Alps to Siena
Cat Greatcircle
20120423 Over the Alps to Siena
Pancake Airlines on her way from Aero in Friedrichshafen to Rome via Siena. This time we planned to fly the Austrian GAFOR routes over the Brenner pass.
20120421 PCA Aero Friedrichshafen 2012
Cat Greatcircle
20120421 PCA Aero Friedrichshafen 2012
Join Pancake Airlines en route through clouds and ice to Aero 2012
Stedentrip Rome
Cat Greatcircle
Stedentrip Rome
Een paar dagen naar Rome met Transavia
Touring Scandinavia in a Diamond DA40 – Part 2
Cat Greatcircle
Touring Scandinavia in a Diamond DA40 – Part 2
Part 2 starts at the Harley Davidson meeting in Svolvaer (Lofoten, Norway). After the Lofoten we will visit Spitsbergen / Svalbard and we will round the North Cape with the Pancake.
Touring Scandinavia in a Diamond DA40 – Part 3
Cat Greatcircle
Touring Scandinavia in a Diamond DA40 – Part 3
On our way back in the Pancake from the north cape to the Netherlands. Part 3 starts as we evade rushing thunderstorms from Lulea on our way to Helsinki. Then we fly to Stockholm Bromma and spend almost a week in the beautiful city. In the last couple of d...
Scandinavie 2010 – Segway tour Stockholm (music)
Cat Greatcircle
Scandinavie 2010 – Segway tour Stockholm (music)
Samen met Flipje op de Segway door Stockholm, nu hopelijk met geluid
Scandinavie 2010 – Stockholm – Aarhus
Cat Greatcircle
Scandinavie 2010 – Stockholm – Aarhus
Op de terugweg van Stockholm via Sonderborg naar NL, maar we komen niet verder dan Aarhus
Scandinavie 2010 – Stockholm
Cat Greatcircle
Scandinavie 2010 – Stockholm
Flip en Marijke afleiden in Stockholm en de archipelago.
Scandinavie 2010 – Tromso – Noordkaap – Lulea (music)
Cat Greatcircle
Scandinavie 2010 – Tromso – Noordkaap – Lulea (music)
Laatste stuk in Noorwegen vauit Tromso tot het keerpunt op de Noordkaap. Na een stop op Honningsvag door over de uitgestrekte verlaten vlakten van Lapland naar Lulea in Noord-Zweden. Met excuses voor de niet al te best passende muziek die ik er maar even s...
Scandinavie 2010 – Longyearbyen en Pyramiden (Svalbard)
Cat Greatcircle
Scandinavie 2010 – Longyearbyen en Pyramiden (Svalbard)
Dagje met de boot vanuit Longyearbyen naar het nagenoeg verlaten mijndorp Pyramiden en de gletsjer aan de overkant van het water