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Majestic 530 Review YouTube Videos

Showing 1-2 of 2 results
Maverick 400 & 440 review.  Our favourite boat under 45′.  Everything you need at a reasonable price
Cruising Off Duty
Maverick 400 & 440 review. Our favourite boat under 45′. Everything you need at a reasonable price
In this episode of Cruising Off Duty, we continue our series where we are checking out the Catamarans at the Annapolis Sailboat Show to see what we think would suit us as a full-time live-aboard catamaran as we circumnavigate the globe. This episode we co...
Majestic 530 Review.  We love this boat.  Everything we would want in a live-aboard sailboat.
Cruising Off Duty
Majestic 530 Review. We love this boat. Everything we would want in a live-aboard sailboat.
In this episode of Cruising Off Duty, we continue our series where we are checking out the Catamarans at the Annapolis Sailboat Show to see what we think would suit us as a full-time live-aboard catamaran as we circumnavigate the globe. This episode we co...