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Magellelan YouTube Videos

Showing 1-2 of 2 results
Our Route To Conquer CAPE HORN Under Sail Revealed [Ep. 106]
Sailing Sweet Ruca
Our Route To Conquer CAPE HORN Under Sail Revealed [Ep. 106]
We finally reveal a big secret, the route we will take to sail around Cape Horn! Will we conquer sailing's Mt. Everest the hard way? Find out how we do it in this episode! #sailing #reallife #adventure #expedition About Us: We are two young racing sail...
A Heart-Stopping Choice: This Is Real Life Adventure Sailing At The End of The World [Ep. 105]
Sailing Sweet Ruca
A Heart-Stopping Choice: This Is Real Life Adventure Sailing At The End of The World [Ep. 105]
We have a huge decision to make! Watch as we battle big waves and strong winds around the dangerous tip of Argentina and the Le Maire Straights, and find out where we go from here, a place few YouTube sailing channels have gone before! #sailing #reallife ...