Loveboats YouTube Videos
Showing 1-15 of 43 results

Why do we Love Boats? Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 235
We arrive at our final destination on the Thames at Chertsey. We spend a little time reflecting on the past year and why we do love boats? Going back in a retrospective makes us feel very emotional and proud of our achievements. When we look at our first ...
The Last Bridge. Always difficult! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 234
#finalleg #cruisingisover We have our final cruise on our barge taking us from Maidenhead in Berkshire down river to Chertsey in Surrey. We have some wet weather on route and hold up for a few days in our home town of Windsor. One last bridge quite to...
Slowly down the Thames. Coming back to the start! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 233
We are starting our way downstream the Thames. From Sonning through the locks and the stunning views of the river. We are really enjoying our last few weeks on the boat before leaving her for the winter in Chertsey. We will make a pause for a few days in ...
Madman on the Thames. Totally out of this world! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep232
We travel back from Wallingford to Reading taking in the stunning Oxfordshire countryside. On our way we had the pleasure, maybe not...of meeting a madman on the River. He starts off hitting and scratching our boat and then tell us to basically F%21?*off, ...
The End of the Road. Life around the corner! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 231
We finally reach Wallingford and decide that it is the end of the road for us. We were planning on going all the way to Oxford but time and tide waits for no man. It has been a beautiful way upstream the river but we would like to go a bit down from Wind...
Facilities on the Thames. What Facilities? Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 230
#thameswater #thameslocks #lockmaster This week we travel from Mapledurham to Goring. This is a great stretch of the Thames and we were not disappointed with the small town when we arrived. Really beautiful with just a few shops and a bakery. We always l...
Questions Revealed! We are answering your thoughts. Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 229
This week we continue our journey upstream the River Thames. Absolutely beautiful scenery bend after bend. The properties on the side of the river are just stunning, enough for us to dream a little bit. Who doesn't dream with the Euromillions? We answer s...
Stunning Thames. The most beautiful scenery ever! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 228
This week we carry on our journey up stream from Marlow . We pass through the best scenery the Thames has offered up so far. This is really beautiful, we can see now why it is so popular to cruise the Thames. We come across a couple of broken locks and hav...
Will we make it? The bridge was too low! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 227
This week we continue our journey from Windsor to Cookam and Marlow. With all the issues we had before now we are cruising the Thames smoothly without any problems. We show you all the process going through the locks on the river Thames. A very enjoyable j...
I am STRESSED! When is this going to stop???? Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 226
Some problems come up and we are out of the water again we have loads of jobs to do to get our boat running again. We fit new seacocks as the water line is a bit lower than we have expected. Better be safe than sorry! We refit the prop shaft and discove...
BARGE BUILD. BOAT WORK, it’s getting DEPRESSING! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 214
This has worked out to be the lowest point on this project. We had a big upset with the boatyard which we are choosing not to mention for now and at least have the job finished without a major complication. A lack of items to finish projects around the b...
BARGE BUILD. The Floor is Down. Another milestone done!!! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 213
YES. This week we finish the floor in the pilot house. Much more difficult than we expected, like everything on the boat. Turned out to be a huge job because nothing is square and had to look perfect. Once again up and down the ladder hundred of times. B...
BARGE BUILD. The Wheel Goes ON. Are we off??? Sailing Ocean Fox Ep. 212
This week we get in to finishing the Pilot House! The bits that we have been working on for so long are just starting to come up to life. It’s like putting a cherry on the top of the cake and” voilà “… beautiful!The boat is starting to come toget...
BARGE BUILD. Pilot House, how exciting is that? Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 211
To our surprise we get ahead of ourselves when Carla gets stuck into the Pilot House this week. She manages to do half of it and then runs out of materials. So we are waiting now to finish but it looks amazing! Simon gets on fitting out the aft heads, eve...