Living on a sailboat in canada YouTube Videos
Showing 1-15 of 24 results

Winter Surfing on Canada’s West Coast | Road Trip
In this video, we take a road trip to Canada’s west coast to get some winter surfing in! It was a stormy few days that Brough big surf, which we had fun capturing with the drone. When living on a sailboat, it is always a luxurious break to stay in regula...
Winter on the West Coast
We’re doing things a little differently this week. We’ve been playing around with our new drone and wanted to showcase this beautiful land we live on. After a crazy week of winter storm warnings and snow fall warnings on the West Coast, we hope this ca...
What is the Future of this Channel? | Big Changes Ahead with Blue Moon Life…
In today’s Blue Moon Life video, we sit down for a chat to tell you about where we’ve been, where we are now, and where we can take this channel in the future. We have lived aboard the sailboat for 4 years, and have been posting videos on YouTube for m...
A Gentle Start to the New Year | Living on a Boat
After a bit of a hiatus over the holidays, we are back! This video takes you along with our slow, gentle start to the new year! I take you along on some of our seasonal and weekly chores, all of which have become pleasant and peaceful habits of our life ab...
Settling into Life at the Docks | Day in the Life Living on a Sailboat
We're beginning to settle back into life at the docks! We got off to a bit of a rocky start preparing for the winter rains... but we managed to rig something up while we look for a more long term solution! If you enjoyed this video and want to support us ...
A Snowstorm Hit our Sailboat! // Realities of Cold Winter Boat Life
Huge snow fall, freezing temperatures, frozen pipes... some days on the boat are tough.
We are Sinking Back Into Boat Life + We Took a Winter West Coast Surf Trip
In this video we show you parts of some "regular days" of boat life and then take a snowy drive up island to the small village of Ucluelet.
Getting the Boat Ready for Winter *we left our dinghy in the water too long* // Blue Moon Life Ep.53
In this video we prepare our little sailboat home for the winter time by setting up a tarp and removing the dinghy from the water.
First Sailing Trip of the Year (PART 3): Sailing to an Island // Blue Moon Life Ep. 38
In part 3 of this mini-series, we had another beautiful day for a sail while we traveled to our final destination!
First Sailing trip of the Year (PART 2): Sailing to our First Destination // Blue Moon Life Ep. 37
In part 2 of this mini-series, we finally set sail after a long winter tied to the docks. We had a bit of a rocky start...
First Sail of the Year (PART 1): Preparing for the Trip and Casting Off // Blue Moon Life Ep. 36
In part 1 of this mini-series, Gillian prepares the boat for a 3-day sailing trip in the Pacific Northwest.
Commuting Home from Work in the Dinghy \ Living on a Sailboat in Canada Ep. 23
In this episode, we managed to get the outboard motor running so that Gillian can pick me (Jonas) up from my last day of work at my building near the water.
Fixin’ Things Up in our Tiny Floating Home \ Living on a Sailboat in Canada Ep. 22
Living on a 40-year-old sailboat means there are always lots of things to fix up! This week we took on some afternoon projects to reseal the sink...
How much did our 30 ft Tiny Floating Home cost? (CHEAP) // Living on a Sailboat in Canada Ep. 14
In this video we discuss how much it cost to purchase and fix up our 30 ft Catalina 30 sailboat, which is now our full time tiny home.