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Showing 1-15 of 29 results
Sailing Sitka
In this weeks episode, we expierence a day out on the water aboard a modern day Hunter Sailboat. If you have been following along with our journey, you know that we own a Cheoylee Offshore 41 which was built in 1976 (an old gal) In this video we take up ou...
Season 2 is HERE!! Boats, BABES ;), and other FUN STUFF!! [S2:E18]
Sailing The Far Side
Season 2 is HERE!! Boats, BABES ;), and other FUN STUFF!! [S2:E18]
Hello Everyone! Drum roll please.....It's time for Season 2!! Summer is over, our sailing kitty has been restored, we are now captains and ready to get back out there! We moved to Key West for the summer to work with Sunset Watersports, as mates on their ...
Sailing Interviews Travis Odenback
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Sailing Interviews Travis Odenback
Quantum Sails rep and J boat guru,Travis talks sailing.
Pt 2: Models, DINOSAURS, underwater MONSTERS, what a farewell Bahamas!!!  [S01:E16]
Sailing The Far Side
Pt 2: Models, DINOSAURS, underwater MONSTERS, what a farewell Bahamas!!! [S01:E16]
Hello Everyone! Sadly we are on our way home. The restrictions are becoming extremely tight and the government does not want foreign boaters in the bohemian waters. Luckily we have a home for the boat and decided it was best to head home and get 'The Far S...
SailIng Interviews,Victor Diaz De Leon
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SailIng Interviews,Victor Diaz De Leon
Victor, talks sailing 20 questions with Victor.
US Sailing Teams, Lara Dallman-Wiess
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US Sailing Teams, Lara Dallman-Wiess
Lara, talks sailing.Olympics, How she got started, Team work .20 questions with Lara Dallman-Wiess
Sailing Interviews,20 questions with Alex Camet
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Sailing Interviews,20 questions with Alex Camet
Alex Camet from SDYC and talks about big boats lasers you name it.
Sailing Interview, 20 Questions with Ty Baird
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Sailing Interview, 20 Questions with Ty Baird
I interview Ty Baird, Ty Baird, talks about growing up sailing.
Sailing Interview, 20 questions with Wil Kinsey
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Sailing Interview, 20 questions with Wil Kinsey
I interview Wil Kinsey. Wil Kinsey, Delivery Captain for hire by the factories. He sails a lot!!!!
Sailing Interviews, 20 Questions with Ash Beatty from Texas
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Sailing Interviews, 20 Questions with Ash Beatty from Texas
I interview Ash Beatty. Ash talks about Aero's, Lasers, Sunfish and J boats. All the fun topics!
Sailing Interviews with Sail 22’s Ed Furry
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Sailing Interviews with Sail 22’s Ed Furry
Ed talks about boats, sailing etc. Saill22 charters boats, and helps with rigging. The team at sail 22 can handle all of your sailing needs. Reach out to Ed he is easy to find online.
Sailing Interviews, Annie Gardner,  The Queen
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Sailing Interviews, Annie Gardner, The Queen
20 Questions with one of the All Time greats Annie Gardner. Some video issues on my part, but I resolve it a few minutes in.
Let the Boat Work Begin! (S2 E4)
Barefoot Travels
Let the Boat Work Begin! (S2 E4)
Let the boat work begin!! In this episode we start some of the fibreglassing jobs we need to do before leaving Puerto Rico. Repairing the port bow is one of the first jobs on the list! It's funny how in this time wearing a mask and safety googles for fibr...
Sailing Interviews,  20 questions with George Szabo
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Sailing Interviews, 20 questions with George Szabo
George Szabo from Star Sailors League and Quantum Sails, talks about sailing
Sailing Interviews, 20 Questions with Bill Hardesty
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Sailing Interviews, 20 Questions with Bill Hardesty
Multi time World Champ, Pro Sailor, Bill Hardesty