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Life hacks for boats YouTube Videos

Showing 1-2 of 2 results
Boat Hacks Part 2 [Simple Liveaboard Tricks]
Rigging Doctor
Boat Hacks Part 2 [Simple Liveaboard Tricks]
We have lived in our sailboat for over 8 years now. Here are some simple but very useful “life hacks” that we have discovered along the way that make living onboard so much easier! Check out Part 1: Patreon: https://www....
Boat Hacks: Simple Liveaboard and Cruising Strategies! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 50
Rigging Doctor
Boat Hacks: Simple Liveaboard and Cruising Strategies! | Sailing Wisdom Ep 50
Check out Part 2: Maddie and Herby demonstrate small things that make a BIG difference for them as both liveaboards and cruisers. Patreon: Merchandise: