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Knots for sailors YouTube Videos

Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Knots, the most regularly used at Wildwind for catamaran sailors
Joseph Bennett
Knots, the most regularly used at Wildwind for catamaran sailors
Here we are looking at some of the most commonly use knots in small boat sailing. Reef Knot Bowline Figure of 8 Overhand knot Lazy Kiter Sheet bend Thanks for watching. If you would like to support the channel the best method is using Patreon where you ...
Quick Release Knot for Tenders
Quick Release Knot for Tenders
The quick-release knot (also called the Highwayman's knot or Bank Robbers knot) for tenders is a super cool knot that will impress friends, family, and on-lookers. Whenever I release the knot our guests or those on the jetty make comments like, ‘Wow –...
How to make a bottle knot
How to make a bottle knot
A bottle knot can be used to put on a bottle - perhaps a bottle of half-filled water. Once you put the knot on the bottle, you can throw the bottle in the water and use it as a float for a rope. In our case, we used it to get an anchor off of our anchor. S...