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Isla coronado YouTube Videos

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Single-Handed Sailing Up The BAJA Coast | Staging To Cross The Sea – Ep. 86
Sailing Sea Dream of Clyde
Single-Handed Sailing Up The BAJA Coast | Staging To Cross The Sea – Ep. 86
The solo adventure continues! In this one, Trevor starts off with a spicy little sail out of Puerto Escondido, then heads off to some of our favorite spots around the Loreto area. Variable winds make for some challenging sailing on the way to Loreto and Is...
Sailing OFF GRID Through BAJA Paradise | Who Needs The Engine Anyways? – Ep. 82
Sailing Sea Dream of Clyde
Sailing OFF GRID Through BAJA Paradise | Who Needs The Engine Anyways? – Ep. 82
Oh, how sweet life can be! After a few weeks away, Kat returns to the boat and we continue checking out all the sweet places around the Loreto area. With the quiet anchorages, aquamarine waters, and so many dolphins, we absolutely love this place! Join us ...
18-15_stung by a stingray (sailing ZERO)
sailing ZERO
18-15_stung by a stingray (sailing ZERO)
Ahoy, cruising the world and exploring the most beautiful beaches sometimes brings us in contact with dangerous wildlife. So happened to my friend Michael from SV Dreamweaver when he stepped onto or close to a stingray. I heard about that quite a while ag...