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Isabella YouTube Videos

Showing 1-3 of 3 results
Our kids will NEVER forget the Galapagos (Part 3)!  [🎥37🇪🇨]
The Sailing Family
Our kids will NEVER forget the Galapagos (Part 3)! [🎥37🇪🇨]
The Galapagos can be expensive for cruisers to visit, and many of our normal freedoms are taken away. But on Isabella those rules are more relaxed, the town less developed, and the anchorage was more protected. We left thinking this was our favorite of all...
Biking Luperon to La Isabela (Dominican Republic)
Emily & Clark's Adventure
Biking Luperon to La Isabela (Dominican Republic)
After two months aboard the boat in Luperon harbor, we finally did some real land exploration. In Luperon, many people travel by motorbike (and others on donkeys and horses, too). So today, we borrow a friend's scooter and join a group heading to La Isabel...
7 Days at Sea: Sailing to the Galapagos – Adventure 16 (Sailing Around the World)
Sailing Nahoa
7 Days at Sea: Sailing to the Galapagos – Adventure 16 (Sailing Around the World)
After 7 days at sea we arrive to find the Galapagos is alive with animals. Sea Lions invade our cockpit. Penguins swim around our pontoons. This place is the animal kingdom. Want to see more videos? Join our journey around this world and support us on Pa...