Indonesia YouTube Videos
Showing 31-45 of 368 results

Abandoning Gecko for an Oyster 62′ Papua New Guinea to Indonesia WHSE143
The Wind Hippie continues their epic voyage from Papua New Guinea to Indonesia, encountering unique customs clearing experiences, magnificent sights, and a comparison of sailing on both a small boat and an extravagant yacht. Watch now!
Embark on a thrilling journey as we explore the challenges of sailing around Southeast Asia's enchanting Indonesia. Learn about the tight visa situations and witness acts of incredible kindness from locals as we make our rapid departure to avoid weathering...
IS THIS THE BEST KEPT INDONESIAN SECRET? – SwT 181 – Exploring the beauty of Tual
Sailing with Thomas explores a beautiful hidden beach in Indonesia that may be the best-kept secret in the country. Uncover the stunning natural beauty of Tual, the amazing hospitality of the local people, and the community's work against plastic pollution...
TO GIVE UP IS NOT AN OPTION! – SwT 180 – Turning my cockpit into a sail loft
Sailing with Thomas: Join sailor Thomas as he embarks on an adventurous journey through Indonesia, tackling a main sail repair while navigating immigration procedures and exploring local culture. Watch now to experience the highs and lows of long-distance ...
THIS DESTROYED MY SAILS – SwT 179 – Challenging sailing in Indonesia
Sailing from Saumlaki towards Tual in Indonesia for renewing my visa has been the most expensive experience in a long time. 60 knots of wind is no joke, and even though BE FREE handle this with elegance my old sails had no chance. This was a real storm and...
Rat Infestation on Board after checking in to Indonesia – SwT176 – It feels like I have crash landed
Witness the intense moments of my crash landing in Indonesia and the unexpected challenges faced by sailors at sea. Facing a nightmare scenario of a rat infestation on board - sharing how to create a rat trap that works using old peanut butter as bait! Wil...
Boat Repairs: Repairing Catamaran Trampolines in paradise. Ep254
Owning a Sailboat means WORK. The Trampolines on Trade Runner were getting a bit dangerous but it was a job Id been putting off as it was not going to be easy. We found ourselves in a great spot to finally do it thoughts there was an Aluminium welder nearb...
BEYOND REPAIRABLE? PART 3-3 Journeying 2500 Miles Nonstop in Cyclone Season – SwT 175 –
Join me on this amazing adventure as I leave Vanuatu and set sail for Indonesia on a 2500 nautical mile nonstop journey. Some say it is crazy some say it's impossible. I say it is doable with modern yacht and technology, knowledge, and a good strategy. In ...
WHY DID I NOT STOP FOR THIS?: Journeying 2500 Miles Nonstop in Cyclone Season – SwT 173 – PART 2-3
Sailing through the Torres Strait with no delays right on time for the outgoing current at the most challenging part. I'm sharing very simplified how I understood the new cyclone predicted in my path was not to be trusted. Join me on this amazing adventure...
Episode 86 Out Now #sailing #boat
This one did not go to plan. Rather than follow the crowd and go along with the Sail to Indonesia Rally fleet to Banda Nera, we intended to day hop along a series of islands from Kei Kecil to explore the remote and seldom visited northern coast of Seram in...
Ep 344 | Can We SAVE Her! Sailing Nutshell
We make the huge decision to leave Indonesia rather than renew our visas. We have decided instead to return to the Kimberley and explore the places we didn’t get to before and to revisit the locations which we loved the most. We have a few days to get e...
When the sailing is perfect! Sailing to Komodo Ep250
#sailing #komodo #indonesia If you enjoy our videos and appreciate the effort that goes into making them then perhaps you would be interested in supporting their production. A little goes a long way Our Patreon:
Cruising rule #1, if it looks interesting, stop and look! Ep249
#sailing #storytelling #indonesia Sailing to a tiny island in the middle of no-where that others told me not to bother with? Should I stay or should I just push on? I've always pushed back against doing what others said so of course I decided to go check...
Flesh-eating monsters DO exist!
See the full episode here: 👉SUPPORT US on PATREON, FTBMates or the Rum Fund - 👉JOIN OUR FOLLOWERS ON DISCORD (It's free!) - If you enjoyed...