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Hungarian vizsla YouTube Videos

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
Man vs Dog [Food Eating Contest] Challenge 2020!
Sailing Cadoha
Man vs Dog [Food Eating Contest] Challenge 2020!
*** NEW WEBSITE - NOW LIVE *** (August 2020) If you'd like to know more about us, our plans, our boat and this adventure, then be sure to check out our new website here: CRAZY food eating contest with my dog, Hank!😳😳...
Posh Dog Diet (He eats better than us!)
Sailing Cadoha
Posh Dog Diet (He eats better than us!)
*** NEW WEBSITE - NOW LIVE *** (August 2020) If you'd like to know more about us, our plans, our boat and this adventure, then be sure to check out our new website here: Hank is a bit of a pampered pooch and loves his food...
Sailing alone in the UK E15
Sailing Cadoha
Sailing alone in the UK E15
*** NEW WEBSITE - NOW LIVE *** (August 2020) If you'd like to know more about us, our plans, our boat and this adventure, then be sure to check out our new website here: Sailing our boat alone in the UK (United Kingdom) af...
Sailing the world – The Beginning : Ep 1
Sailing Cadoha
Sailing the world – The Beginning : Ep 1
The beginning of our sailing adventure around the world starts here, with learning how to sail, and of course seeing how our dog Hank gets on with it too. With our brilliant captain who we met by chance, teaching us ropes from lines and lines to sheets, th...