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How to build a boat YouTube Videos

Showing 31-45 of 97 results
S2E31 Bulkheads! What are they? Building a Wave Rover 650
Sailing Wave Rover
S2E31 Bulkheads! What are they? Building a Wave Rover 650
Time to start fitting the bulkheads. [BENEFACTORS' BULKHEAD] Make a one time donation to Wave Rover of $100 USD and your name will be affixed to the "BENEFACTOR'S BULKHEAD" onboard Wave Rover 1 and will be voyaging with me on the circumnavigation) : https...
S2E30 Bulkhead layout and the inside of Wave Rover gets 2 coats of S1 Epoxy Sealer
Sailing Wave Rover
S2E30 Bulkhead layout and the inside of Wave Rover gets 2 coats of S1 Epoxy Sealer
Time to remove the peel ply, measure out for the bulkheads and ring frames, coat the inside with 2 coats of S1 epoxy sealer. [BENEFACTORS' BULKHEAD] Make a one time donation to Wave Rover of $100 USD and your name will be affixed to the "BENEFACTOR'S BULK...
S2E29 Wave Rover Uses a New Method of Applying the 18oz Bi-axial Fiberglass
Sailing Wave Rover
S2E29 Wave Rover Uses a New Method of Applying the 18oz Bi-axial Fiberglass
A crack team of helpers assembles for this big glassing job. The 18oz bi-axial Fiberglass is applied over the robust fillet we shaped in the last episode. Peel ply is used for the first time in the project. A lot to do ... time to watch. Bill England's You...
Time Machine Ep1  Wave Rover reports from the Future about Buoyancy Foam
Sailing Wave Rover
Time Machine Ep1 Wave Rover reports from the Future about Buoyancy Foam
The reason for this new and hopefully reoccurring mini episode is two fold: 1. To give a glimpse of the current state of the Wave Rover build 2. To get input from the "Rover Navy" on some of the decisions that I am currently making. ****Warning**** These s...
S2E28 How to make Structural Epoxy Fillets || Building a Wave Rover 650
Sailing Wave Rover
S2E28 How to make Structural Epoxy Fillets || Building a Wave Rover 650
Fillets! What are they and where do they come from? This video is all about mixing up and installing structural fillets. [BENEFACTORS' BULKHEAD] Make a one time donation to Wave Rover of $100 USD and your name will be affixed to the "BENEFACTOR'S BULKHEAD...
S2E27 The Fiberglass Sole of the Wave Rover 650 is Installed
Sailing Wave Rover
S2E27 The Fiberglass Sole of the Wave Rover 650 is Installed
It's a big job but organization and preparation are key. I explain how getting the fiberglass down on the sole is a very important step toward the longevity of the vessel. And I want this Wave Rover to be around for a long time. [BENEFACTORS' BULKHEAD] Ma...
S2E26 FIXING A BAD JOB! || Saying Good Bye to the Wave Rover Frames
Sailing Wave Rover
S2E26 FIXING A BAD JOB! || Saying Good Bye to the Wave Rover Frames
When the Chines were glued up a few weeks back we didn't realize how messy the joint was until Wave Rover was rolled upright. [BENEFACTORS' BULKHEAD] Make a one time donation to Wave Rover of $100 USD and your name will be affixed to the "BENEFACTOR'S BUL...
S2E25 Organizing the boat shed and Cutting and Filling Seams
Sailing Wave Rover
S2E25 Organizing the boat shed and Cutting and Filling Seams
With the 650 now upright and inside her heated room, it's time to organize the work space for the next big phase of the build. After a quick organization of my small work space, I start the process of filling the seams and prepping the inside of Wave Rover...
S2E24 How to Level your Small Ocean Cruiser || Building a Wave Rover 650
Sailing Wave Rover
S2E24 How to Level your Small Ocean Cruiser || Building a Wave Rover 650
Now that Wave Rover is right side up, I must prep her for the next big step... fitting out her inside. But first I have to clean up her sheer and re-level her. [BENEFACTORS' BULKHEAD] Make a one time donation to Wave Rover of $100 USD and your name will b...
S2E23 How to Roll Over the Hull of your Wave Rover 650
Sailing Wave Rover
S2E23 How to Roll Over the Hull of your Wave Rover 650
With practically no time remaining before the planned roll over we have a serious set back. Overcoming the set back, the hull is rolled over with the help of my good friends. [BENEFACTORS' BULKHEAD] Make a one time donation to Wave Rover of $100 USD and y...
S2E22 How to Fiberglass the Hull of your Small Ocean Cruiser Part 2 || Building a Wave Rover 650
Sailing Wave Rover
S2E22 How to Fiberglass the Hull of your Small Ocean Cruiser Part 2 || Building a Wave Rover 650
Having Fiber glassed the chines in Part 1, I now move on to fiber glassing the hull with 10oz (300g/m) fiberglass cloth. The Wave Rover 650 is a 21foot (6.5m) pocket ocean cruiser designed from the keel up to comfortably and safely circumnavigate. And this...
S2E21 Best Low Cost Backyard Boat Shed || Wave Rover goes on a Field Trip
Sailing Wave Rover
S2E21 Best Low Cost Backyard Boat Shed || Wave Rover goes on a Field Trip
In this video I take a short field trip to my good friend Bill England's "Sea Clamp" boat shed, where Bill is building a 48' Diesel Duck Motor Sailor (George Buehler design). Bill built a massive boat shed for about $1500 USD, something that builders of th...
S2E20 How to Fiberglass the Chines and Hull of your Wave Rover 650 Part 1
Sailing Wave Rover
S2E20 How to Fiberglass the Chines and Hull of your Wave Rover 650 Part 1
In this video I reap the benefits of building the Wave Rover "Womb". I prep the boat and my work area, and then it's time to apply the heavy bi-axial fiberglass to the chines. CORRECTION: at minute 2:29 when cleaning the hull, I am using just water, not so...
S2EP19 The Wave Rover Christmas Special || This boat will Float!!!
Sailing Wave Rover
S2EP19 The Wave Rover Christmas Special || This boat will Float!!!
I'm releasing this video just a little early as Santa Claus and his Elves are big Wave Rover fans and wanted to see it before heading out. The battle with the temperature is lost but Rover's just don't give up. I concoct a new plan to battle on. We enjoy a...
S2E18 Epoxy Issues || Losing the Temperature War
Sailing Wave Rover
S2E18 Epoxy Issues || Losing the Temperature War
The battle against the temperature continues. I have to accept the fact that the weather is getting cooler and I will have to figure out techniques to adapt to this new normal. But as Rovers, we just don't give up! To help build Mrs Rover a bungalow conta...