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Healthy living YouTube Videos

Showing 121-129 of 129 results
Sailing into Freedom   Episode 41 Plukky & the Italian crew Percy Island
Sailing into Freedom Episode 41 Plukky & the Italian crew Percy Island Captain: Peter aka Plukky Deckhand, cook & talent: Fedra Paccioso Editor & 2nd mate: Stefania Conte Plukky and the Italian Girls: On Percy Island I am an Australian guy trying to live on Mother Earth...
Sailing into Freedom   Episode 39 Plukky & the Italian girls are night sailing to Middle Percy Islan
Sailing into Freedom Episode 39 Plukky & the Italian girls are night sailing to Middle Percy Islan
Support us at Captain: Peter aka Plukky Deckhand, cook & talent: Fedra Paccioso Editor & 2nd mate: Stefania Conte Plukky and the Italian Girls: Night sailing to Percy Island https://sailingintofree...
Sailing into Freedom   Episode 38 Plukky & the Italian girls are heading south
Sailing into Freedom Episode 38 Plukky & the Italian girls are heading south
Support us at Captain: Peter aka Plukky Deckhand, cook & talent: Fedra Paccioso Editor & 2nd mate: Stefania Conte Plukky and the Italian Girls: Heading south I am an Australian guy trying to live on M...
Sailing into Freedom   Episode 37 Plukky & the Italian girls with a main sail problem 1
Sailing into Freedom Episode 37 Plukky & the Italian girls with a main sail problem 1
Captain: Peter aka Plukky Deckhand, cook & talent: Fedra Paccioso Editor & 2nd mate: Stefania Conte Plukky and the Italian Girls: Mainsail problem I am an Australian guy trying to live on Mother Earth without killing her. Come on people, our poor...
Sailing into Freedom   Episode 36 Plukky & the Italian girls at Saba Bay
Sailing into Freedom Episode 36 Plukky & the Italian girls at Saba Bay
Captain: Peter aka Plukky Deckhand, cook & talent: Fedra Paccioso Editor & 2nd mate: Stefania Conte Plukky and the Italian Girls: Saba bay, the Whitsundays I am an Australian guy trying to live on Mother Earth without killing her. Come on people,...
Sailing into Freedom   Episode 35 Plukky & the Italian girls at Hook Island waterfall
Sailing into Freedom Episode 35 Plukky & the Italian girls at Hook Island waterfall
Captain: Peter aka Plukky Deckhand, cook & talent: Fedra Paccioso Editor & 2nd mate: Stefania Conte Plukky and the Italian Girls: Hook Island waterfall I am an Australian guy trying to live on Mother Earth without killing her. Come on people, our...
Sailing into Freedom   Episode 34 Plukky & the Italian girls in Deloraine Island
Sailing into Freedom Episode 34 Plukky & the Italian girls in Deloraine Island
Captain: Peter aka Plukky Deckhand, cook & talent: Fedra Paccioso Editor & 2nd mate: Stefania Conte Plukky and the Italian Girls: Deloraine Island, the Whitsundays I am an Australian guy trying to live on Mother Earth without killing her. Come on...
Sailing Into Freedom   Episode 33 Plukky & the Italian girls swimming with turtles
Sailing Into Freedom Episode 33 Plukky & the Italian girls swimming with turtles
Captain: Peter aka Plukky Deckhand, cook & talent: Fedra Paccioso Editor & 2nd mate: Stefania Conte Plukky and the Italian Girls: Swimming with turtles I am an Australian guy trying to live on Mother Earth without killing her. Come on people, our...
Sailing into Freedom   Episode 26  Random boat life
Sailing into Freedom Episode 26 Random boat life
Captain: Peter aka Plukky Deckhand, cook & talent: Fedra Paccioso Editor & 2nd mate: Stefania Conte Plukky and the Italian Girls: Random boat life I am an Australian guy trying to live on Mother Earth without killing her. Come on people, our poor...