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Head remodel YouTube Videos

Showing 1-5 of 5 results
CATAMARAN BUILD – The ‘Reach Around’ Test 😲💩 (MJ Sailing – Ep 223)
MJ Sailing
CATAMARAN BUILD – The ‘Reach Around’ Test 😲💩 (MJ Sailing – Ep 223)
How much space do you really need on a toilet to do your business? Well at least enough room to reach behind you and wipe!! Last week you'll have seen that we received our compact toilet from Vetus, and this week we figure out placement for it in the mas...
Making Custom Head Cabinetry for my 1966 Spencer 42′ Sloop
Renegade ADV
Making Custom Head Cabinetry for my 1966 Spencer 42′ Sloop
This week on part 3 of the head rebuild: I made templates and cut out bulkheads and started assembling the sink cabinet after pulling the old through hulls on my 1966 Spencer 42' Sloop. I then used the Rockler Circle cutting jig with the Makita Router ag...
Bending Plywood for my DIY sailboat restoration ⛵
Renegade ADV
Bending Plywood for my DIY sailboat restoration ⛵
To make the radiused cabinet face for the head in my 1966 Spencer 42' Sloop, I kerf cut 18mm Marine Grade Okume plywood, 19 cuts, almost through to the last ply. This allows the wood to bend then be filled with thickened epoxy, I used West Systems 105/20...
Gutting the head part 2 – 1966 Spencer 42′ Sailboat Restoration Project
Renegade ADV
Gutting the head part 2 – 1966 Spencer 42′ Sailboat Restoration Project
This time on the Renegade Show: It is Demolition time on my 1966 Spencer 42 Sloop! On any boat whether it be a weekend sailor, live-aboard or open ocean sailing vessel, you need to have a good working head! My S42 is no exception and on this episode we c...
Gutting the head part 1
Renegade ADV
Gutting the head part 1
It is finally time to get started on the big remodel! First step gutting the head. The 1966 Spencer 42 is a great boat, but the head was not built with a shower, and after 54 years has sustained some water damage. I decided to gut it completely and start...