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Hay Island YouTube Videos

Showing 1-2 of 2 results
Sailing the 1000 Island in Canada, in the Fall, It’s BRISK!  Sailing to Hay Island and Sugar Island.
Cruising Off Duty
Sailing the 1000 Island in Canada, in the Fall, It’s BRISK! Sailing to Hay Island and Sugar Island.
In this episode, we were nearing the end of the 2018 sailing season here in the 1000 Islands. Sailing in the fall is beautiful but at times (and especially at night) it can be Brisk. Even though it was super chilly at times, Janice still goes swimming! ...
Why we love having a sailboat vs a cottage.  Our “Floating Cottage” moves.  Ep146.
Cruising Off Duty
Why we love having a sailboat vs a cottage. Our “Floating Cottage” moves. Ep146.
In this episode of Cruising Off Duty, we show you why we think having a cruising sailboat is a better option than a cottage. #1) We show you how you can never get bored of your view as your sailboat can move to multiple anchorages in one day. No more n...