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Hallbergrassy YouTube Videos

Showing 1-15 of 70 results
⛵️HURRICANE SEASON came EARLY in the Caribbean!😳 SINKING BOATS & Food Shortages | Hallberg Rassy 352
Sailing Joco
⛵️HURRICANE SEASON came EARLY in the Caribbean!😳 SINKING BOATS & Food Shortages | Hallberg Rassy 352
HURRICANE SEASON CAME EARLY! And with a BANG at that. These are the highest winds we've ever experienced, and were KINDA prepared - We couldn't find baguettes anywhere! Such a tragedy. Unfortunately, others weren't as prepared and we witnessed a boat casua...
⛵️HAVING FUN *DOING IT* (again?) | DIY Sailboat Teak Deck Removal | Hallberg Rassy 352
Sailing Joco
⛵️HAVING FUN *DOING IT* (again?) | DIY Sailboat Teak Deck Removal | Hallberg Rassy 352
FIBERGLASS DISASTER! We are working our butts off to get back in the water which means waking up at 4:30AM to lay fiberglass before the summer heat makes it unbearable and downright UNSAFE to continue working up on deck. But that comes with all sorts of pr...
⛵️ROTTEN sailboat MAST BEAM – now what? | Hallberg Rassy 352 | Sailing Joco
Sailing Joco
⛵️ROTTEN sailboat MAST BEAM – now what? | Hallberg Rassy 352 | Sailing Joco
Um, WE KINDA NEED THAT! We discovered the absolute worst case scenario - The support beam beneath the mast is ROTTEN. We can't sail like this! Time for yet another unplanned DIY project - Do you think we did a good job? Business/Collab Inquiries social@sv...
🚽DIY TOILET REFIT! It’s a 💩Job but someone’s gotta do it💪
Sailing Joco
⛵️WRECKING OUR RIG & ROTTEN mast step?! | DIY Sailboat Teak Deck Removal | Hallberg Rassy 352
Sailing Joco
⛵️WRECKING OUR RIG & ROTTEN mast step?! | DIY Sailboat Teak Deck Removal | Hallberg Rassy 352
Are we about to open up YET ANOTHER CAN OF WORMS?! Sunday Funday work in this episode where we open up the mast step for investigation AND CUT OUR RIG. Do our DIY fixes actually work? or are we DI Dumb lol Business/Collab Inquiries If y...
Sailing Joco
Is DIY always the way to go? MAYBE! Because sometimes, professionals SUCK! and that's just the plain simple truth. Jeff, aka Manual Man, is on the job, dissecting every part of our rig, finding problems, one thing after another.... Business/Collab Inquir...
⛵️HOT Weather, HOT PROJECTS! | DIY Sailboat Fiberglassing TIPS (& BIKINIS) | Hallberg Rassy 352
Sailing Joco
⛵️HOT Weather, HOT PROJECTS! | DIY Sailboat Fiberglassing TIPS (& BIKINIS) | Hallberg Rassy 352
If ya can't BEAT THE HEAT, embrace the sweatiness lol. Regardless of the weather, we are fiberglassing again - AND helping out a friend in the yard with his massive fiberglassing project. We give you some of our TOP TIPS we have learned thus far before hit...
⛵️BROKE AGAIN – Outboard Engine Troubles on a BUDGET | Hallberg Rassy 352
Sailing Joco
⛵️BROKE AGAIN – Outboard Engine Troubles on a BUDGET | Hallberg Rassy 352
Well well well... whad'ya know - Our Outboard has ISSUES again! Wish we had a money tree because repairs aren't cheap! We scrounge around in the bilge to find solutions to our problems, but this isn't the end.... Business/Collab Inquiries social@svjoco....
⛵️HOW TO FIX your Sailboat Mainsheet Traveller | Hallberg Rassy 352 | Sailing Joco
Sailing Joco
⛵️HOW TO FIX your Sailboat Mainsheet Traveller | Hallberg Rassy 352 | Sailing Joco
Just another boat part that is BROKEN - Are you even surprised anymore? Our mainsheet traveller needs some major attention and we go across the island in search of replacement shackles. And then need to modify it to actually be of use! Luckily Jeff knows j...
⛵️WE’RE NOT LEGAL? That’s a problem… | DIY Sailboat Teak Deck Removal | Hallberg Rassy 352
Sailing Joco
⛵️WE’RE NOT LEGAL? That’s a problem… | DIY Sailboat Teak Deck Removal | Hallberg Rassy 352
We find ourselves on the beautiful caribbean island of St Martin, BARELY LEGAL! Working away on boat projects, unknowingly that our validity in the country and the caribbean in general is almost expired! OOPS
⛵️Life on the HARD is HARD! &More BROKEN stuff | DIY Sailboat Teak Deck Removal | Hallberg Rassy 352
Sailing Joco
⛵️Life on the HARD is HARD! &More BROKEN stuff | DIY Sailboat Teak Deck Removal | Hallberg Rassy 352
We have been working our BUTTS off on this project but there always seems to be more tasks to do & things breaking and we're getting TIRED. Working in the heat of the day is not helping either but we're just taking it one day at a time. NOW LET'S DO SO...
⛵️ROTTEN CORE REPLACEMENT (part 1) | DIY Sailboat Teak Deck Removal | Hallberg Rassy 352
Sailing Joco
⛵️ROTTEN CORE REPLACEMENT (part 1) | DIY Sailboat Teak Deck Removal | Hallberg Rassy 352
WE'RE BOAT BUILDERS NOW!!! Just add it to the list of hats you carry once you own a boat! We talk you thru the options for core replacement materials that we can get on the tiny Caribbean island of St. Martin, along with more investigation of our chainplat...
⛵️ROTTEN BOAT – Can We SAVE IT?😳 | DIY Sailboat Teak Deck Removal | Hallberg Rassy 352
Sailing Joco
⛵️ROTTEN BOAT – Can We SAVE IT?😳 | DIY Sailboat Teak Deck Removal | Hallberg Rassy 352
We opened up the deck - and found ROT! This is a huge blow for us, tho it wasn't 100% unforeseen unfortunately. That doesn't make it any easier tho! We're gonna need some time to figure this out... Follow us on Instagram for (closer to) real-time updates!...
Living on the HARD is HARD! #hallbergrassy #hr352
Sailing Joco
Living on the HARD is HARD! #hallbergrassy #hr352
Living on our 1984 Hallberg Rassy 352 Sailboat during a MAJOR REFIT is no fun!!!