Good old boat YouTube Videos
Showing 1-15 of 94 results

We’re Cutting Up Our Boat, Wind over Water, Episode #151 #boatrefit #sailboatrepair #fixthisboat
After experiencing a season ending disaster in 2021, we embark on a project that will hopefully get us back on the water early in 2022. Join us as we take on the most challenging project yet on our Bristol 41.1 "Windover". It starts with cutting up our boa...
Fixing Avocet | Rebuilding our Mast
Through every refit we have become more familiar with Avocet’s design and layup, touching nearly every inch of the boat in the process, but there was one final piece that was left mostly untouched by us - the mast. We had already done a bit of rig work p...
A Season Ending Disaster, Wind over Water, Episode 150 #boatingaccidents #cruisingsailboat #accident
After over almost two years of refit work we finally get an opportunity to go cruising again. Our trip is cut short with a disasterous event that could ruin our season entirely. You can help us produce these videos by becoming a patron at https://www.pat...
Windover Sails Again, Wind over Water, Episode 149, #lazyjacks #bristolsailboat #sailingvideos
It has been a while since we have uploaded a video. Thank you all for your patience. As you will learn, our sailing time has been pretty short again this year. We make the most of it and finally get Windover out for a spin. This week on Wind over Water we ...
Boom Chuck a Lucka, Wind over Water, Episode 148 #diysailboatboom #buildaboom #bristolsailboat
This week on Wind over Water we tackle our boom build project again. It is nearing the middle of July and no sailing yet so we have to get the lead out and get this project finished. Join us as we finish the only job keeping us in port. You can help us p...
Canada’s Top Cruising Destination, Wind over Water, Episode 147 #manitoulinisland #sailboatrefit
This week on Wind over Water we take a little road trip and visit the top cruising destination in Canada, also Debbies home town. On the return trip home we visit Debbies sisters family and help them out with some sailboat repairs. You can help us produc...
Badda Boom, Wind over Water, Episode 146 #buildaboom #diysailboat #cruisingsailboat
In this episode we take on a project that we have been putting off for far too long, the construction of our new boom. Windover has been needing this done for two years now and all the pieces have finally come together. This week we get started in earnest....
Will We Ever launch, Wind over Water, Episode 145, #boatlaunch #biminianddodger #sailboatlaunching
Promises, Promises. First we are supposed to go in April 15th, then May and now June 12th. What is a frost bitten sailor to do. The boat is ready to go but Covid 19 is wreaking havoc with our sailing plans. Will we finally make it into the water. Join us a...
Fins and Needles, Wind over Water, Episode 144 #sailrite #sewingcanvas #LSZ1
This week on Wind over Water we finish up with a DIY floor install in a Grampian 30, Debbie takes on a challenge in partnership with Sailrite sewing machines to produce a comparison video pitting her precious Barracuda machine against the venerable Sailrit...
New Bimini and Dodger, Wind over Water, Episode 143 #canvaswork #sailboatrefit #bristolsailboat
We have been saving up to give Windover a little bling this season. This week she gets measured for a new bimini and Dodger. Join us we consider our options for a comfortable enclosure to keep us out the sun and wind while underway. Special thanks to Ben ...
Let There be Light, Wind over Water, Episode 142 #boatlighting #sailboatrefit #cruisingsailboat
This week on Wind over Water we get a few more projects done while we wait for launch day. The old Grampian 30 we have been working on gets new floors and we play with electricity on Windover in an attempt to light the engine room. Enjoy!! email us at win...
Old Fat Guy Fixes Boat, Wind over Water, Episode 141
This weeks Wind over Water episode is about an old fat guy fixing his boat. If you want to see more old, fat guys fixing boats, please like, share and subscribe. Thank you. email us at You can help us produce these videos by b...
Failure to Launch, Wind over Water, Episode 140 #pandemic #lockdown #stayathomeorder
Well folks, bad news this week. We are going to be shut down here in Ontario for another two weeks. Looks like Windover will be on the hard for a while yet. Best get some projects done while we have the chance. This week we install our new outboard mount f...
Lets Dream of Sailing (a late night visit to the boat), Wind over Water, Episode 139
The delays caused by the Covid lockdown here in Canada are cutting into our sailing time. Windover is still on the hard and we are getting impatient. This week we make an unscheduled late night visit to the boat to plan and dream about a summer on the wate...