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Living aboard with five kids in Panama ep55   4K
Motherload sailing
Living aboard with five kids in Panama ep55 4K
Join us aboard our floating home in the stunning waters of Panama! While Dad's away, Mom is the captain of this ship, navigating life on anchor with our adventurous crew. Dive into our daily routines as we explore the underwater beauty, and share thee uniq...
BARGE BUILD.  roof is on! No rumps and bumps, looks beautiful! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 178
Sailing Ocean Fox
BARGE BUILD. roof is on! No rumps and bumps, looks beautiful! Sailing Ocean Fox Ep 178
#buildingaboat #Wegotthis #broken This week we finally get the roof laminated up and cut to shape. Hopefully we will get it fibreglassed as soon as possible. Carla works on the windows and breaks the final glass. I hope you are all enjoying the journey a...
SSL 341 ~ The last night…
Captain Rick Moore
SSL 341 ~ The last night…
Final preparations for our sail from Aruba to Colombia, including the installation of our new Iridium GO! Satellite system from which will allow us to communicate and send updates from anywhere in the world on any ocean! :) More informati...
A QUICK & EASY mast mount for a camera
Joseph Bennett
A QUICK & EASY mast mount for a camera
This is a quick and easy method of attaching your GO PRO camera to the top of the mast on your hobie 16, 15, 14, Dragoon, Pacific or Getaway Join this channel to get access to perks: Joyrider ...
Why You Should Go Sailing
Why You Should Go Sailing
A very good reason for going sailing. The footage says it all. [] [] * tales from the high seas *