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Update #1 Hawaii to Japan Journey Begins! You Won’t Believe What Just Happened…”
Pacific Solo
Update #1 Hawaii to Japan Journey Begins! You Won’t Believe What Just Happened…”
In my latest video, I share an update on my upcoming journey from Hawaii to Japan aboard my boat. With meticulous planning, I've compiled a list of 27 essential tasks that must be completed before I can leave my vessel in Okinawa and rendezvous with my fri...
I Met The Nicest People Ever Here | Random Acts Of Village Kindness | Winded Voyage 4 | Episode 72
Winded Voyage Sailing
I Met The Nicest People Ever Here | Random Acts Of Village Kindness | Winded Voyage 4 | Episode 72
We have found a paradise of goodness in the village of Ribiera de Barca. It's rare that sailors anchor in front of their village, and we are welcome like royalty. Kids swim out to say hello, fishermen come for coffee and girls come for a beer and curious t...
Cats for Noobs, Budget Catamarans, Monohull Envy, Single-handing, and a big GIVEAWAY!
The O'Kelly's
Cats for Noobs, Budget Catamarans, Monohull Envy, Single-handing, and a big GIVEAWAY!
We are giving away our D400 wind generator to the YouTube Sailing channel YOU think most deserves it. Please comment below to nominate someone who needs it. Donate to shipping here: Otherwise, this video answers a lot of quest...