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Gebroeders van enkhuizen shipbuilding YouTube Videos

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Building an Aluminum Sailboat Pt 4 – How the Hull Plates are Shaped
Distant Shores TV
Building an Aluminum Sailboat Pt 4 – How the Hull Plates are Shaped
We're Sheryl and Paul Shard, presenters of the Distant Shores sailing adventure TV series and Distant Shores YouTube channel. We've been cruising internationally since 1989 documenting the sailing lifestyle to inspire and inform anyone dreaming of sailing ...
Building an Aluminum Sailboat Pt 3 – Raising the Hull to Weld Frames & Bulkheads
Distant Shores TV
Building an Aluminum Sailboat Pt 3 – Raising the Hull to Weld Frames & Bulkheads
This is our third video in the series on building our new Enksail Orion 49 aluminum expedition sailboat! We look into how plates are positioned and welded into the perfect shape according to the drawings and plans. #aluminumboat #sailboat #aluminium #b...