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Furling YouTube Videos

Showing 1-9 of 9 results
Sails go Up! – Sailing Turtle
For Sun and Stars
Sails go Up! – Sailing Turtle
Fired up after our mast went up, we quickly got to work putting our sails up and exploring the nooks and crannies of Annapolis.
Teaser – Turkey to Malta [Ep 45] Sailing Salacia Star
Sailing Salacia Star
Teaser – Turkey to Malta [Ep 45] Sailing Salacia Star
Turkey to Malta took longer than expected, have put a quick video together of some highlights, hope you enjoy. SUBSCRIBE LIKE FOLLOW https://www.instagr...
Rebuilding the In-Mast Furling System on an Amel Super Maramu PART 3
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Rebuilding the In-Mast Furling System on an Amel Super Maramu PART 3
Last week we rebuilt the Furler, and this week we’ll rebuild the gearbox, and re-install all the parts of the Furling system back into the mast. At the end of the video I’ll give some tips that will make the your system last just a little bit longer a...
Rebuilding the In-Mast Furling System on an Amel Super Maramu PART 2
Sailing Aquarius Around The World
Rebuilding the In-Mast Furling System on an Amel Super Maramu PART 2
In this Tips on Tuesday we remove the Motor, gearbox, and Furler from the mast on an Amel Super Maramu. We complete the rebuild of the furler. Thanks so much for watching 🙏 Stay tuned as next Friday 12PM EST we release a new video 🎥 We do our best...
Hoisting a Furling Jib | Sail Fanatics
Sail Fanatics
Hoisting a Furling Jib | Sail Fanatics
This video explains how to hoist a jib on a furling system, including setting up the furling drum and pre-feeder device before raising the sail. I'll explain issues to watch for during and following the hoisting procedure.
Using a Jib Furler System | Sail Fanatics
Sail Fanatics
Using a Jib Furler System | Sail Fanatics
This video explains how to properly use a jib furler system, demonstrating what problems can occur and how to avoid those.
9. (Part 4 of 4) We Replace Our Standing Rigging – Sailing Vessel Somnium Ep. 9
Learning the Lines
9. (Part 4 of 4) We Replace Our Standing Rigging – Sailing Vessel Somnium Ep. 9
This is the final episode of the four part series of our standing rigging replacement. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not-A-Broker Consulting...
Mounting a Plastimo 811 T roller furling forestay
Sailing Blue Bird
Mounting a Plastimo 811 T roller furling forestay
in this video I am building and mounting a new furling headstay on my old Albin ballad 30 classic GRP sailboat from 1976. Link to the manual:
Sailing With A Gennaker
Sailing With A Gennaker
A gennaker is used when sailing downwind as it's a cross between a genoa and a spinnaker (big colored sails). A gennaker is not symmetric like a spinnaker but is asymmetric like a genoa, but the gennaker is not attached to the forestay like a jib or genoa....