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Football YouTube Videos

Showing 1-6 of 6 results
Who’s your team?? #shorts #football
Sailing Catalpa
Episode 142 – Part 2 Exploring Togir, Split in Croatia & a Sailor at the Football!
Sailing Pickle Family
Episode 142 – Part 2 Exploring Togir, Split in Croatia & a Sailor at the Football!
Part 2 of our adventures around the beautiful area of Split along the Croatian coastline. We explore the amazing old and new, the ancient ruins in Trogir with its 13th century Cathedral, breathtaking sweeping views from the bell tower at the chapel of St J...
Greenlandic Football Championship | #48 | DrakeParagon Sailing Season 5
Greenlandic Football Championship | #48 | DrakeParagon Sailing Season 5
Our sailboat is fueled, watered, and repaired, so it's time to go...or is it!? Our friend Lars convinces us to spend one more day in Qaqortoq to attend the Greenlandic Football Championship! (Soccer for some; you know who you are!) It's such an exciting da...
My first time fasting and Peshawar City Tour with Abdullah Khattak
Huub Vlogs
My first time fasting and Peshawar City Tour with Abdullah Khattak
Traveling Central & East Asia by campervan ———————————————————————————— Want to see real-life updates and chat? Would you like to support once through Paypal? ht...
Sneak Peek.  Watching my first Live Soccer (Football) game.  Valencia Spain
Cruising Off Duty
Sneak Peek. Watching my first Live Soccer (Football) game. Valencia Spain
This is just a Sneak Peak of footage that will be part of a full episode. This show us going to a professional Soccer (Football) game in Valencia Spain. I don't know anything about Soccer and don't think I have watched an entire Soccer game in my life bu...
Sam Holmes Sailing
Ballstronaut is the story of one boy's journey to discover himself. Watch Paul Holmes portray the young Ballstronaut in this classic piece of cinimatic perfection. Staring: Paul, Sam, K-lub, & Clay