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Foam core YouTube Videos

Showing 1-6 of 6 results
Adding Finer Detail // Complete Catamaran Build Ep261
Life On The Hulls
Adding Finer Detail // Complete Catamaran Build Ep261
Defining the final shape of the stern of our Catamaran has been a while coming and adding these curved foam core winglet duckboards has finally shown her true form. To say I am happy with it , is an understatement and we are moving to the stage where final...
Sailing Parlay Revival
Thought I would give a detailed explanation of how to replace the core of your boat. In this example we use a balsa core, but the princple for other core materials is the same. Watch the previous episode (94) to see us removing the core. If you are intere...
Ep121 Yacht internal adjustments required – Life On The Hulls – Building A Catamaran
Life On The Hulls
Ep121 Yacht internal adjustments required – Life On The Hulls – Building A Catamaran
Painful and critical decision making leads to some major decisions this week as I discover the Art of Modification to ensure a correct fit and a solid form going forward. The Foam Core construction of this catamaran creates a lightweight and strong boat bu...
Ep119 Foam Core Cabin Partitions – Life On The Hulls – Fibreglass Catamaran Building
Life On The Hulls
Ep119 Foam Core Cabin Partitions – Life On The Hulls – Fibreglass Catamaran Building
I feel like I am starting to career ahead with the install of the Foam Core Cabin Partitions. Revealing the true size of my cabin and storage space. Strength and quality of construction is the focus of my efforts in this weeks video. Patreon Membership Th...
Ep081 Boat Fuel Tank Supports – Life On The Hulls – Catamaran Build
Life On The Hulls
Ep081 Boat Fuel Tank Supports – Life On The Hulls – Catamaran Build
Some might say, the most boring video on the internet, others would disagree, but in reality if you want something to last, it takes time and perhaps a lot of discomfort to get a quality result. Remembering I don't have a team if cheap low cost, slave labo...
Ep017 – Back to The Grind ( Literally)
Life On The Hulls
Ep017 – Back to The Grind ( Literally)
Episode 17 brings the demolition of a truck chassis for our boat yard trolley, and I complete the hull side foam core and lamination in readiness for a 2 week holiday in Canada. -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Go Back to where this all began at Episode 1: