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Florida islands YouTube Videos

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
Episode 38 – Solomon Islands – Nggelas – Mboli Passage to the water pump and bat cave
Sailing Catamaran Escape
Episode 38 – Solomon Islands – Nggelas – Mboli Passage to the water pump and bat cave
We sail down the Mboli (Utuha) Passage the waterway that separates the two large islands Nggela Sule and Nggela Pile. After being shown around Siota school by the teachers we sail down to the water pump village for fresh water. The children of the village ...
Ohh Yeah… Little Slices of Heaven – Sailing Nandji, Ep 69
Sailing Nandji - Frothlyfe
Ohh Yeah… Little Slices of Heaven – Sailing Nandji, Ep 69
Exploring the Russell Group of the Solomon Islands was amazing. Beautiful beaches, stunning reefs and discovering new waves. Bliss. In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we sail an overnight passage from the Florida islands to t...
Cheeky Boat Convoy through the Jungle – Sailing Nandji, Ep 67
Sailing Nandji - Frothlyfe
Cheeky Boat Convoy through the Jungle – Sailing Nandji, Ep 67
After some Crocodile hunting... We boat convoy our way through the skinny Mboli Passage in the Florida islands. With thick jungle on both sides, this place felt straight from Jurassic Park. In this episode of Sailing Nandji,...
Christmas on a Sail boat, Florida Islands – Sailing Nandji, Ep 65
Sailing Nandji - Frothlyfe
Christmas on a Sail boat, Florida Islands – Sailing Nandji, Ep 65
Christmas on a sail boat, in the Solomon Islands! Visiting a village, WW2 relics, diving, playing with the kids and trading with the many visiting canoes! Nandji Life In this episode of Sailing Nandji, we prepare Nandji for s...