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Filming around the world YouTube Videos

Showing 1-10 of 10 results
How To Add Solar Panels To A Small [30 foot] Electric Sailboat – Ep. 28 [Sailing Ixion]
Sailing Ixion
How To Add Solar Panels To A Small [30 foot] Electric Sailboat – Ep. 28 [Sailing Ixion]
Our existing solar panels weren't enough. This is how we figured out how to add solar panels to a small [30 foot] electric sailboat. Our 30 foot electric sailboat. We had already designed a solar arch months ago for the eventual installation of additional...
Building A Bowsprit: Part 1 – Ep. 26 [ Sailing Ixion ]
Sailing Ixion
Building A Bowsprit: Part 1 – Ep. 26 [ Sailing Ixion ]
Building a Bowsprit! After purchasing an anchor last season that was too big for our small Catalina 30, the only solution was to begin building a new bowsprit. Once we learned more about sailing, we learned that our anchor was under sized, especially sinc...
The Dock Broke: Is Ixion Okay? – Ep. 24 – [Sailing Ixion]
Sailing Ixion
The Dock Broke: Is Ixion Okay? – Ep. 24 – [Sailing Ixion]
The Dock Broke is not a text message you want to recieve from the marina. After a massive storm, we rush to the boat to make sure Ixion is okay. After the drama of the storm, and the breaking dock, we reach the end of the Portlight saga. In what feels lik...
Portlight Strikes Back – Ep. 23 [Sailing Ixion]
Sailing Ixion
Portlight Strikes Back – Ep. 23 [Sailing Ixion]
After the Portlight Trilogy Conclusion, we thought we were done but like any good reboot. The Portlight Strikes Back. We finally finish the frameless portlight refit. After what felt like an eternity, we have finally began the interior of the frameless po...
He’s Afraid of The Ocean!? – Ep. 22 [ Sailing Ixion ]
Sailing Ixion
He’s Afraid of The Ocean!? – Ep. 22 [ Sailing Ixion ]
He's Afraid of the Ocean!? Hayden's uncle wants to join us on our sail south to Florida, but he has a massive fear of the ocean. We will make a sailor out of him! Hayden asked us to come out and go for a sail with him just around Buzzards Bay to help his ...
It’s Snowing! [ Is Our Sailboat Ready ] – Ep. 21 [ Sailing Ixion ]
Sailing Ixion
It’s Snowing! [ Is Our Sailboat Ready ] – Ep. 21 [ Sailing Ixion ]
Winter is coming, or rather, is here and it's snowing! Are we ready? is our sailboat, Ixion, ready? Winter sailing is not for the faint of heart! After landing in New Bedford, we jump straight into projects hoping we would be gone before it started snowin...
Adventure to Enjoy the Greatest Burger – Ep. 17 [Sailing Ixion]
Sailing Ixion
Adventure to Enjoy the Greatest Burger – Ep. 17 [Sailing Ixion]
Our break isn't over just yet. This time, it involves the adventure to enjoy the grest burger in the world. This week isn't about sailing, but it's about adventure nontheless. Things have been rough for us personally, and many in the world. After sufferi...
Sailing New England – Exploration of Mattapoisett Harbor – Ep. 16 [Sailing Ixion]
Sailing Ixion
Sailing New England – Exploration of Mattapoisett Harbor – Ep. 16 [Sailing Ixion]
After all of the work, we decided it was time to finally enjoy ourselves starting by Sailing New England. Our first destination is Mattapoisett. We have spent so much time working that we sometimes forget to enjoy ourselves. Ixion has been in Mattapoisett...
Boat Work Broke Me – Ep. 07 [ Sailing Ixion ] [ 4k Video ]
Sailing Ixion
Boat Work Broke Me – Ep. 07 [ Sailing Ixion ] [ 4k Video ]
After months of nonstop work on Ixion, it had felt like boat work broke me. It was time for a break. In that spirit, we decided to visit Fort Phoenix in Fairhaven, MA and get to know the area we had been working in for so long. The boat work could wait. ...
Finishing the Frameless Portlights, [ Our Modern Sailboat Windows ] – Ep. 05 [Sailing Ixion]
Sailing Ixion
Finishing the Frameless Portlights, [ Our Modern Sailboat Windows ] – Ep. 05 [Sailing Ixion]
We have finally reached the end of our framelss portlights trilogy. Before we can launch the boat and begin sailing, our refit continues, which means finishing the frameless portlights installation. After several months of work, we had finally gotten to t...