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Fiberglass catamaran building YouTube Videos

Showing 1-8 of 8 results
CATAMARAN BUILD: How Our 57hp Yanmar Engines & Sail Drives Are Installed
Sailing Ruby Rose
CATAMARAN BUILD: How Our 57hp Yanmar Engines & Sail Drives Are Installed
Hey everyone! Welcome to this week's episode where we do a deep dive into the installation of our engines and sail drives. We've specced the 57hp Yanmar Engines with the SD60 sail drives for Ruby Rose 2, sourced from Navela, and today we're seeing why they...
100th Episode -Boat Water Tanks Complete!! – Life On The Hulls – Catamaran Build Ep100
Life On The Hulls
100th Episode -Boat Water Tanks Complete!! – Life On The Hulls – Catamaran Build Ep100
Determined to finish my water storage solution I set about finishing the 2 integrated water tanks in my Catamaran Hull. The summer heat is really taxing in the hull this year but a few changes to working hours and a knowledge on how to play around with the...
Ep093 Laminating Plywood Bulkheads – Life On The Hulls Building a Catamaran
Life On The Hulls
Ep093 Laminating Plywood Bulkheads – Life On The Hulls Building a Catamaran
I have been dreading the laminating of the plywood bulkheads in my Catamaran since day one, and to be honest, it was a simple process with lots of prep and careful attention to detail. The individual bulkhead parts were easily handled and a great result. ...
Ep082 Fuel Tank Section DONE!! – Life On The Hulls – Catamaran Build Ep082
Life On The Hulls
Ep082 Fuel Tank Section DONE!! – Life On The Hulls – Catamaran Build Ep082
To actually complete something in this epic build is a major milestone and if you want see a happy boy, watch this video through. At every stage I am elated with the result and can finally see some things come together. Please consider joining our patron t...
Ep080 Rot Proofing Bulkheads – Life On The Hulls – Catamaran Build Series
Life On The Hulls
Ep080 Rot Proofing Bulkheads – Life On The Hulls – Catamaran Build Series
This week begins with the lamination of the Limber Hole sealing part mold I made last week and then the inevitable hours and hours crouching and squatting in the bilge where I frequently lost circulation in my legs, but I am not telling anyone that has bui...
Ep069 How to Tab Bulkheads in a Yacht – Life On The Hulls Building our Catamaran
Life On The Hulls
Ep069 How to Tab Bulkheads in a Yacht – Life On The Hulls Building our Catamaran
A decision to build a 40 foot Catamaran should not be taken lightly. Join Ross Boardman in a series of videos that shows the ups and downs, logistics and blood sweat, swearing and tears involved in the building of a fibreglass composite catamaran. Patreon ...
Ep067 Filleting Bulkheads and boat building dangers – Life On The Hulls Catamaran building
Life On The Hulls
Ep067 Filleting Bulkheads and boat building dangers – Life On The Hulls Catamaran building
It's time to start gluing stuff in, this week the Port Side Hull bulkheads finally find a home, not without a monumental effort of cleaning and prepping. Our deck mould gets a little bit of attention and I deal with the last of summer in the only way I kno...
Ep062 Major Bulkhead Install and Race on Jervis Bay – Building a Catamaran
Life On The Hulls
Ep062 Major Bulkhead Install and Race on Jervis Bay – Building a Catamaran
Time for some play time as Janet and I crew on a Seawind 1160 in the Seawind Cup Race on our hometown waters of Jervis Bay. Ed and I install our main compression bulkhead and have a few laughs at each others expense. The end of January signalled a signific...