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#fibeglassrepair YouTube Videos

Showing 16-30 of 310 results
The Final Piece of the Puzzle – Catamaran Build Ep350
Life On The Hulls
The Final Piece of the Puzzle – Catamaran Build Ep350
When you are imagining a Catamaran together it is vital to make every part count, the overall function and cosmetics are every bit as important as the project itself. The final major part of the boat is nearing completion and almost ready to instal, so muc...
Biggest News Ever – Am I Missing Something? Ep349
Life On The Hulls
Biggest News Ever – Am I Missing Something? Ep349
The preparation is never ending, the scale of work is just crazy and I think as of today I am missing something, biggest news ever, loads of boat building coming up to get her ready for the water. We have invested thousands of hours into our build and eq...
It just wasn’t good enough – Ep348
Life On The Hulls
It just wasn’t good enough – Ep348
What started as a simple hardtop build has morphed into a far more detailed process than even I expected. To improve on a simple design will increase the versatility and cosmetic of a simple hardtop so, in short, it just wasn't good enough. Thanks for fol...
Not another Modification –  “This one is Huge” Ep347
Life On The Hulls
Not another Modification – “This one is Huge” Ep347
Take it on, and learn, that is the moral of this story, what you don't know, you need to get into it and learn. The aspects of a massive project like this should not be overlooked as you will need to be the "Jack of All Trades" to pull this off. This week ...
It’s 3 Different Trades in a Day – Boat Building Ep346
Life On The Hulls
It’s 3 Different Trades in a Day – Boat Building Ep346
This Catamaran Build has tested every skill I have have ever developed , the amount of fabrication, planning and logistics that have been involved really has highlighted the need for a breadth of understanding of every type of trade, some days we can do 3 ...
The Details Really Matter – Custom Catamaran Build Ep345
Life On The Hulls
The Details Really Matter – Custom Catamaran Build Ep345
The depth of detail required in a Custom Catamaran Build of this size is substantial. From rudders to hardtop customisation and Stainless steel fabrication, there seems to be no end to the range of duties that needs attention and everything is starts to ma...
Carbon Rudder Fabrication – Catamaran Build from Scratch Ep344
Life On The Hulls
Carbon Rudder Fabrication – Catamaran Build from Scratch Ep344
You not going to be able to keep a Catamaran on track without a decent set of rudders and it's time to get these started. Carbon rudders are my choice and there are so many reasons why I will be carrying a spare. Patreon Membership Thank you for supportin...
Pure Boat Building Considerations // Catamaran Build From Scratch- Ep343
Life On The Hulls
Pure Boat Building Considerations // Catamaran Build From Scratch- Ep343
A project this size requires so much forward planning and thinking sometimes a few years ahead. The future progress relies on it. This week's video is Pure Boat Building with a few old school techniques making for quick durable results. Thanks for watchi...
It’s Brutal Being Back on Deck – Catamaran Build From Scratch Ep342
Life On The Hulls
It’s Brutal Being Back on Deck – Catamaran Build From Scratch Ep342
We all struggle with Post Holiday Blues, but with a few months till launch, it is out of control. How am I supposed to get motivated? It's brutal being back on Deck. Patreon Membership Thank you for supporting my production -
Catching Up To Real Time Boat Build // Complete Catamaran Build Ep341
Life On The Hulls
Catching Up To Real Time Boat Build // Complete Catamaran Build Ep341
It is frantic here whilst I try to get ready for launch, a detail oriented video to bring us closer to real time build Videos, and a well needed rest and break in Western Australia. Please support our video series as they are only possible due to our pat...
OLD MAN NOISES – Hydraulic Tubing Install from Hell Part 2 // Ep340
Life On The Hulls
OLD MAN NOISES – Hydraulic Tubing Install from Hell Part 2 // Ep340
Can a 6ft 2inch monster fit into tiny compartments and route copper tubing throughout his catamaran and do it all without making "Old Man Noises", No he can't. Heads u guys, plenty of grunting and groaning in this weeks effort. Patreon Membership Thank yo...
Catamaran Hydraulic Steering System Install Part 1 //  Ep339
Life On The Hulls
Catamaran Hydraulic Steering System Install Part 1 // Ep339
If I look confused this week, you'd be right, the installation of our Hydrive Hydraulic Steering System in our Cruising Catamaran is going to take some effort. Complicated, ain't the word for it. Patreon Membership Thank you for supporting my production ...
Challenging Installations in the Catamaran // How To Build A Catamaran Ep338
Life On The Hulls
Challenging Installations in the Catamaran // How To Build A Catamaran Ep338
When you leave something long enough it will bite you on the bum. I have left some challenging installations in the Catamaran for now and it is time tackle the complicated roof lining parts we made over 12 months ago. Patreon Membership Thank you for sup...
Time to Chill Out , or is it? – How we have built a 42foot Catamaran Ep337
Life On The Hulls
Time to Chill Out , or is it? – How we have built a 42foot Catamaran Ep337
Many have said that "I need to relax a bit" , but it is Time to Chill Out and get the workings of our huge freezer installed and work on the Air Conditioning Appliances. So many aspects of the Catamaran Build are coming to a head as we head into the final ...
The Woodshop that is, Life On The Hulls //  Catamaran Built From Scratch 336
Life On The Hulls
The Woodshop that is, Life On The Hulls // Catamaran Built From Scratch 336
Back into boat work completing a plethora of timber finishes to get our Catamaran looking homely and with a quality finish. Our factory has turned into a Woodshop as we fashion all matter of finishes. We are so happy with the outcome and the time and cost ...