#fibeglassrepair YouTube Videos
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The Countdown starts NOW !! – 5 Days till launch EP365
The most striking change in our Custom Catamaran is about to occur as there is no turning back now. The date is set, the team is arriving and the Countdown to Launch Starts NOW. The next 2 videos will show you what it really takes to get this build floatin...
Catamaran Ready for Bottom Paint After 7 Years of Building from Scratch Ep 364
Believe it or not, this week we have the Catamaran Ready for Bottom Paint with only 12 Days left till we go in the water. Will she be ready for launch? Patreon Membership Thank you for supporting my production - https://www.patreon.com/lifeonthehulls If...
The Tension is Palpable – Catamaran built by us, for us E363
Jump on board to see what possibly has been the most stressful couple of weeks in my working career. It seems that every part of my working life has been a big project with big consequences, but somehow this Catamaran Build is different, this boat is solel...
Waterproofing a Catamaran ? // Huge Boat Build Ep362
How do you prioritise the massive list of tasks before the launch of a 7 year project. Well, a boat is not a boat without waterproof windows and hatches. This build is on a different level to a kit build, a rebuild, it is the biggest passion project and it...
Carbon Rudders and Thru Hulls – Vital Jobs for Launch Day Ep361
The list of jobs is endless, but to launch our Catamaran there are 2 tasks that cant be ignored, Rudders and Thru Hulls, without them there is no launch day. Patreon Membership Thank you for supporting my production - https://www.patreon.com/lifeonthehull...
18 Day out from Launch – The work ahead is frightening Ep360
With just 18 Days till the launch of our Dream Custom Catamaran that we have spent the last 7 years building, the list is endless and the pace of getting tasks done, immediately jumps up a notch, if that were even possible. Boat building is about doing as...
The Next 3 Weeks of Crazy – Complete Catamaran Build Ep359
I could never have imagined what having a deadline would mean to me and so many people around me. The family and some friends , have come to the rescue seeing that perhaps our "LAUNCH DATE", may have been just a few months premature, hold on tight, as I tr...
We are 26 Days out from Launch – Arghhh Ep358
With only 26 days to go, the date is set, the whole things comes down to these last few weeks, will we be ready? I say Yes! , but there are a million things to action to get this tub on the water. Patreon Membership Thank you for supporting my production ...
Locking Down The Catamaran Structure – Custom Catamaran Build Ep357
The transom structure of this catamaran is one of the most critical parts of boat. It is common to see stress cracking in this region and I have built our boat to ensure it's integrity is sound. Actually getting to the bolts has proved to be a major issue ...
Opening Her Eyes – 42 Day till launch Ep356
As we prepare for the launch of our 7 Year Build 42 foot Custom Catamaran things can get a bit testy. Overwhelming stress, and a feeling of frustration boils over occasionally and we wonder what the hell were we thinking thinking that we could ever have bu...
Is this the end of the Gel Coat Spraying? – Custom Catamaran Build Ep355
This could possibly be the most important milestone for years as I set about finishing the Gel Coat Spraying on our highly Customised catamaran Build. There is s lot at stake her, get it right and we are done with the outside cosmetic work. Patreon Membe...
Out Comes The Spreadsheet – 42Foot Catamaran Project Build Ep354
Losing sleep over the ridiculous task I had set for us , Janet cruises in with a project spreadsheet designed to lessen the mind traffic, does it help, perhaps so, but is the workload any smaller as a result, not likely, to launch this beast is going to ta...
One hell of a mess – Some days I just can’t win Ep353
I have put it off long enough. The Galley and Heads Benchtops need attention and although they look great, but the mess and the clean up was something else. Making a massive mistake takes a day to recover from and I have only lost my cool a few times dur...
Chainplates and Hard Top // The final major part is complete Ep352
Talking milestones here everyone, I have officially completed my last modification, I will admit it, it is addictive, changing the design but the final result is so good it is not even worth deliberating over. The Raised Helm Hard Top is the ultimate addit...