Family sailing life YouTube Videos
Showing 1-15 of 15 results

SHE has a NEW DREAM……AGAIN 😆 | Living in Porto Montenegro – BOAT LIFE
Join us in a special episode where we show you how it is to actually live in Porto Montenegro boat life turned into marina life. Not what we had in mind for this year, but hey, a healthy baby on the way to be added to our sailing family is worth everything...
We Almost ENTERED the Black Pearl | sailing family vs super yacht crew
The final part of our sailing retreat. We had five unforgettable days with Nanno and Brend, full of sailing adventure, self-reflection and make a change in life. Sailing Montenegro with the guys and attacking the Black Pearl was amazing. Yes, you read that...
80% is MINDSET – WE ARE MORE THAN SAILORS 😎 Sailing, Business, and Lifestyle Coaching
We give you INSIGHT into our main INCOME STREAM while we are sailing. Something we usually don't do - our sailing retreat. Join us in this episode where we take you from the preparations: of boat jobs to the actually sailing and business and lifestyle coac...
PARADISE ABANDONED in MONTENEGRO 🤯 sailing family adventures
NEW SAILING FAMILY adventures. Last days of our sailing holiday in Montenegro. We thought we would be done sailing within one week of sailing the coastline Montenegro. We visited the beautiful Sveti Stefan Montenegro which has a rich history and unfortunat...
24 hours as a SAILING FAMILY | BOAT LIFE | Montenegro
SAILING LIFE and living as a sailing family. What does 24 hours of boat life in Montenegro look like? Life on a sailboat and living at sea is quite different. Therefore we decided to take you along for 24 hours living on a boat and to join us in typical bo...
Swimming While SAILING + GENDER reveal | a perfect Sail Life day – BOAT LIFE Montenegro
SURPRISE a GENDER REVEAL sailing family! We have some big news to share. What better day to choose than a perfect family sailing life day - boat life at its best. We are sailing further south to sailing Montenegro coastline. With little to no wind, we had ...
BACK TO SAIL LIFE 🤯 Not What We Expected | Boat Life & Sailing Montenegro
BACK to our sail life, join us in this boat life episode where we are welcomed by dolphins within 5 minutes. We are so grateful to be back to our sailing life and being a sailing family again. Although we have to be honest, with no to a little wind it's no...
MASSIVE NEWS 😱 💙🥳 Why She DOESN’t want to SAIL anymore
OH NO! What's going on? Rianne DOESN'T want to SAIL anymore. The end of boat life in Montenegro? Sailing Montenegro our final sail? Well not exactly but it is the end of boat life winter and we have perfect sailing conditions to start sailing, but we are n...
Night Sail went WRONG 😱 & FINED AGAIN by Croatian PORT POLICE – Sailing life
Sailing went totally WRONG. A smooth night turned out to be a night sail drama. That's whats real boat life and family sailing life also look like. This episode is a sail life video. Sailing Croatia and sailing the Mediterranean sea. Sailing into Montenegr...
Sailing Life – BACK TOGETHER and spending a typical day at sea and behind anchor
Sailing Life - BACK TOGETHER and spending a typical day at sea and behind anchor. Join us today in a normal day of our family sailing life at sea, without arguments and with love for Benjamin. He got his first Fishing rod. Boat life is for us not only sail...
STORM Behind Anchor 50 KNOTS Of Wind 😱 – Family Sailing Life
Heavy STORM Behind Anchor no fun - 50 KNOTS Of Wind - rough winds this is also family Sailing Life. Join us in a new adventure of our sailboat living, a week behind anchor because bad weather. this is our final week in Croatia, boat life at its finest. No...
Is this the END of our family SAILING LIFE?! 🥴 ICP & Flag Registration
Is this the END of our family SAILING LIFE?! Before we could sail towards Italy we had to fix our ICP & Flag Registration situation. Otherwise, chances were very high that our sailboat would be chained and our Sail Life as we know it now would come to ...
Who Would Not Fall in LOVE?! 2 Days CHAMPAGNE SAILING Croatia
Sailing Croatia | Who Would Not Fall in LOVE with SAILING - 2 days CHAMPAGNE Sailing. Don't let your wife see this episode of our sailing vlog...before you know it, she wants you to buy that sail boat and have that family sailing life as well. Jokes aside,...
BOAT LIFE – STUCK at sea in GREECE – Family Sailing Life Se 2 Ep 58
BOAT LIFE - isn't always easy, especially when you are STUCK at sea in GREECE - Family Sailing Life. Join our adventures this week while we try to sail as a family as quickly as possible through Greece to be able to check in to Europe. Boat life can also m...