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Family Sail life on a boat YouTube Videos

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
SHE has a NEW DREAM……AGAIN 😆 | Living in Porto Montenegro – BOAT LIFE
Feel the Breeze family
SHE has a NEW DREAM……AGAIN 😆 | Living in Porto Montenegro – BOAT LIFE
Join us in a special episode where we show you how it is to actually live in Porto Montenegro boat life turned into marina life. Not what we had in mind for this year, but hey, a healthy baby on the way to be added to our sailing family is worth everything...
Night Sail went WRONG 😱 & FINED AGAIN by Croatian PORT POLICE – Sailing life
Feel the Breeze family
Night Sail went WRONG 😱 & FINED AGAIN by Croatian PORT POLICE – Sailing life
Sailing went totally WRONG. A smooth night turned out to be a night sail drama. That's whats real boat life and family sailing life also look like. This episode is a sail life video. Sailing Croatia and sailing the Mediterranean sea. Sailing into Montenegr...
Sailing Life – BACK TOGETHER and spending a typical day at sea and behind anchor
Feel the Breeze family
Sailing Life – BACK TOGETHER and spending a typical day at sea and behind anchor
Sailing Life - BACK TOGETHER and spending a typical day at sea and behind anchor. Join us today in a normal day of our family sailing life at sea, without arguments and with love for Benjamin. He got his first Fishing rod. Boat life is for us not only sail...
Is this the END of our family SAILING LIFE?! 🥴 ICP & Flag Registration
Feel the Breeze family
Is this the END of our family SAILING LIFE?! 🥴 ICP & Flag Registration
Is this the END of our family SAILING LIFE?! Before we could sail towards Italy we had to fix our ICP & Flag Registration situation. Otherwise, chances were very high that our sailboat would be chained and our Sail Life as we know it now would come to ...