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Faial azores YouTube Videos

Showing 1-3 of 3 results
THE “UNFUN” PART OF SAILING | Gusty High Winds, Overcrowded & Nowhere to Escape – Ep 96
Sailing Jibsea
THE “UNFUN” PART OF SAILING | Gusty High Winds, Overcrowded & Nowhere to Escape – Ep 96
We're in Horta, Faiail Island in the Azores after our west to east Atlantic Crossing. High wind gusts, rain and tight quarters make the anchorage quite the interesting one and these are the parts of boat life that aren't so fun - especially when we've got...
ATLANTIC CROSSING: Last days at sea before landfall in Horta  #104
Ryan & Sophie Sailing
ATLANTIC CROSSING: Last days at sea before landfall in Horta #104
Land oh! After 15 days at sea, we finally see land again. And just like that, our 3500 nautical miles adventure between Bonaire and the Azores ends :) Thank you to St. Paul de Vence for the music! I've really enjoyed illustrating the footage of our crossi...
BUCKET LIST Sailing Destination: Faial, Azores (MJ Sailing – EP 83)
MJ Sailing
BUCKET LIST Sailing Destination: Faial, Azores (MJ Sailing – EP 83)
Of all the far flung destinations to sail to in the world, Faial Azores should be near the top, for it's beauty, diversity, and sometimes surreal atmosphere.