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Extreme Sailing Series Act 8 Sydney YouTube Videos

Showing 1-3 of 3 results
SAP Milan Cerny Dec 13 14 Extreme Sailing Series Sydney Explains their Sailing Software
World On Water
SAP Milan Cerny Dec 13 14 Extreme Sailing Series Sydney Explains their Sailing Software
SAP's Milan Cerny in Sydney for the ExSS Sydney talks to boatsontv's Geoff Waller about their software for sailing regattas. SAP provides the series with cutting-edge business software and analytics solutions to deliver an unprecedented sailing experience ...
Boats on TV “World on Water” Dec 14.14 Big Boats Rule, ExSS Sydney.. more
World On Water
Boats on TV “World on Water” Dec 14.14 Big Boats Rule, ExSS Sydney.. more
In this week's World on Water US Super-Maxi Comanche had its first race in the CYCA SOLAS Big Boat Challenge on Sydney Harbour, the final Act for 2014 and the ExSS boats were also crashing round the harbour, the medals are won at the ISAF Sailing World Cup...
2014 Extreme Sailing Series Act 8 Sydney Skipper’s Press Confrence Dec 11.14
World On Water
2014 Extreme Sailing Series Act 8 Sydney Skipper’s Press Confrence Dec 11.14
All the skippers of Act 8 the final act of the 2014 Extreme Sailing Series sit in on the Sydney Press Conference. Wet, wild and windy conditions forced Race Management to cancel the first day of racing on Sydney Harbour at the Extreme Sailing Series™ pre...