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Explore Mexico YouTube Videos

Showing 1-7 of 7 results
Close Call in Bahia Santa Maria | Baja, Mexico |  Sailing Avocet
Sailing Avocet
Close Call in Bahia Santa Maria | Baja, Mexico | Sailing Avocet
Our short stay in Bahia Santa Maria was memorable to say the least since our dear friend Peter narrowly escaped death after a dinghy flip. From stellar views to adrenaline-pumping rescues, this video has a bit of it all. Can't wait for the next episode? Ch...
Work Hard, Play Harder | Episode 137
Work Hard, Play Harder | Episode 137
One thing we know for sure is how to work hard, but no doubt play & travel harder. We have just spent 3 weeks working non-stop, day in and day out since we got back down to VA. However, it's time that we take a little break from all the boat upgrades...
Exploring Isla Cocinas | Vlog # 37 |
Sailing Decorum
Exploring Isla Cocinas | Vlog # 37 |
Vlog #37 We sailed into Punta Perula and headed into townto check it out and stock up the veggie pile. They are totally rebuilding the Malecon. it was looking very beautiful. The town is small but very friendly. we got some fresh veggies and fresh presse...
Sailing Chacala To Banderas Bay |  Vlog# 32
Sailing Decorum
Sailing Chacala To Banderas Bay | Vlog# 32
Vlog #32 We explore the small beach town of Chacala, which was beautiful, and very chill. We do some snorkelling and then head out and sail to Punta de Mita in Banderas bay. Along the way we had some dolphins visitors which is always my favourite! While i...
Finally Getting Back Out On The Water  | Vlog #31
Sailing Decorum
Finally Getting Back Out On The Water | Vlog #31
Vlog #31 We take a break from our boat jobs and go in visit a waterfall outside of San Blas. We finish up our jobs for the time being and finally leave San Blas. Excited to get back on the water and explore somewhere new! We set sail for our next destina...
Mast Work, Bottom Paint & Exploring An Old Fort In San Blas  | Vlog#29
Sailing Decorum
Mast Work, Bottom Paint & Exploring An Old Fort In San Blas | Vlog#29
Vlog # 29 Still in San Blas, Mexico, we tried to finish our boat jobs quickly. So excited to get back on the hook and explore. We took a break one day and headed up the ruins of an old fort. Finally able to play with our new drone down here in Mexico! We ...
Demasting Our Boat In Mexico Vlog# 28
Sailing Decorum
Demasting Our Boat In Mexico Vlog# 28
Vlog #27 We leave Punta Mita and start heading north so we can take our boat out of the water while we go home to work for hurricane season. We decided to stop into San Blas to refuel and provision for our trip. As we were sitting at the fuel dock is when...