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Epoxy filling YouTube Videos

Showing 1-2 of 2 results
Packed up. Ready to leave. And a surprise coming –  S02E49 – DIY Catamaran Build
Building Wilda
Packed up. Ready to leave. And a surprise coming – S02E49 – DIY Catamaran Build
The LATEST UPDATE is that you can see what Wilda looks like in REAL TIME and you can support us by joining our Patreon community! Thanks so much for even thinking about it! The link to PATREON is here: This week’s e...
HULL TO DECK JOINT REPAIR | PART 3: Filling & Fairing With Thickened Epoxy | Sailboat Story 200
Sailboat Story
HULL TO DECK JOINT REPAIR | PART 3: Filling & Fairing With Thickened Epoxy | Sailboat Story 200
We've ripped off the old teak cap rail, cleaned out 90 ft of hull/deck joint, and now we begin to fill and fair the joint with thickened epoxy. It's HOT work doing this kind of manual labor in the intense Florida heat, but between the 2 of us, we set up an...