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Economy YouTube Videos

Showing 1-4 of 4 results
Inflation. The hidden tax destroying your wealth.  How to beat it. Stocks, Gold or Cryptocurrency?
Cruising Off Duty
Inflation. The hidden tax destroying your wealth. How to beat it. Stocks, Gold or Cryptocurrency?
In this episode, we talk about Inflation and how it is under-reported and how it is a hidden tax stealing your purchasing power and wealth over time. We go over the types of investments that have historically been able to outpace inflation and grow your w...
The Coming Financial Collapse.  How it will affect our future.  Steps we have taken to prepare.
Cruising Off Duty
The Coming Financial Collapse. How it will affect our future. Steps we have taken to prepare.
If you are like us, you believe the economy and the stock market has been pushed to inflated "bubble" prices by all of the world banks simultaneously printing money at record speeds, all in an attempt to keep interest rates at record lows and keep the long...
Make the Stock Market Work For You [Enough is Enough]
Emily & Clark's Adventure
Make the Stock Market Work For You [Enough is Enough]
Part of "Enough is Enough" is understanding INVESTMENT THEORY - understanding how to make your money work for you. Today, we continue our Investment Theory section with an illustration of the following ideas: - Capitalism vs. other Economic Systems [00:...
What Can $1 Do? – Saving vs. Investing [Enough is Enough]
Emily & Clark's Adventure
What Can $1 Do? – Saving vs. Investing [Enough is Enough]
Part of "Enough is Enough" is understanding INVESTMENT THEORY - understanding how to make your money work for you. Today, we launch the first in our Investment Theory section with an illustration of the following ideas: - What can happen to $1.00 USD ov...