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Eastport nesting pram YouTube Videos

Showing 1-11 of 11 results
Emily Builds a Sailboat – GETTING CLOSE – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram (Ep 11)
Emily & Clark's Adventure
Emily Builds a Sailboat – GETTING CLOSE – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram (Ep 11)
In this video, Emily makes room for the mast, waterproofs some small bits, and does a LOT of sanding as she nears the completion of her Eastport Nesting Pram build project. About this series: Over two months, Emily built a lightweight wooden boat, to be ...
Emily Builds Sailboat – FLOTATION CHAMBERS – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram (Ep 10)
Emily & Clark's Adventure
Emily Builds Sailboat – FLOTATION CHAMBERS – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram (Ep 10)
In this video, Emily does some clear-coating, fiberglassing, and filleting to prep the seats, bulkheads, and inspection ports as she nears the sanding stage of her Eastport Nesting Pram build project. About this series: Over two months, Emily built a lig...
Emily Builds a Sailboat – FANCY DAGGERBOARD – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram (Ep 9)
Emily & Clark's Adventure
Emily Builds a Sailboat – FANCY DAGGERBOARD – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram (Ep 9)
Girls can build stuff, too! Support this and other projects via our Patreon page: Over two months, Emily built a lightweight wooden boat, to be used as a sailing, rowing, and motoring dinghy for S/V Temptress. This model i...
Emily Builds a Sailboat – MAST & SEATS – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram (Ep 8)
Emily & Clark's Adventure
Emily Builds a Sailboat – MAST & SEATS – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram (Ep 8)
Girls can build stuff, too! Support this and other projects via our Patreon page: During September, October, and November 2019, Emily built a lightweight wooden boat, to be used as a sailing, rowing, and motoring dinghy fo...
Emily Builds a Sailboat – CUT IN HALF?! – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram (Ep 7)
Emily & Clark's Adventure
Emily Builds a Sailboat – CUT IN HALF?! – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram (Ep 7)
Girls can build stuff, too! Support this and other projects via our Patreon page: Between September and November 2019, Emily built a lightweight wooden boat, which will be used as a sailing, rowing, and motoring dinghy for...
Emily Builds a Sailboat – ARTSY STUFF – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram (Ep 6)
Emily & Clark's Adventure
Emily Builds a Sailboat – ARTSY STUFF – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram (Ep 6)
Girls can build stuff, too! Support this and other projects via our Patreon page: Between September and October 2019, Emily built a lightweight wooden boat, which will be used as a sailing, rowing, and motoring dinghy for ...
Emily Builds a Sailboat – RUDDER, SKIDS, & SKEG – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram (Ep 5)
Emily & Clark's Adventure
Emily Builds a Sailboat – RUDDER, SKIDS, & SKEG – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram (Ep 5)
Girls can build stuff, too! Support this and other projects via our Patreon page: Over the next two months, Emily is building a lightweight wooden boat, which will be used as a sailing, rowing, and motoring dinghy for S/...
Emily Builds a Sailboat – REDESIGN! – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram (Ep 4)
Emily & Clark's Adventure
Emily Builds a Sailboat – REDESIGN! – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram (Ep 4)
PROBLEMS SOLVED! Chesapeake Light Craft comes to the rescue! We have worked out the issues with starting with the wrong plans. We have worked out a design to make my boat able to do everything I want it to, including nesting, and a lot of ideas of our o...
Emily Builds a Sailboat – THE BOAT MUST GO ON! – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram (Ep 3)
Emily & Clark's Adventure
Emily Builds a Sailboat – THE BOAT MUST GO ON! – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram (Ep 3)
THE BOAT MUST GO ON! Following last week's big mistake, we decide to move forward with the basic parts of the build until we have the proper plans. In this video, we review what changes need to be made. Then Emily begins the "glue" part of the stitch-and-...
Emily Builds a Sailboat – STITCH THE PLANKS – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram (Ep 2)
Emily & Clark's Adventure
Emily Builds a Sailboat – STITCH THE PLANKS – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram (Ep 2)
Girls can build stuff, too! Support this and other projects via our Patreon page: In this video, Emily uses wire to "stitch" together the planks, hull, and transoms of the Eastport Pram to create its shape and prepare it f...
Emily Builds a Sailboat – PART 1 – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram
Emily & Clark's Adventure
Emily Builds a Sailboat – PART 1 – CLC Eastport Nesting Pram
Girls can build stuff, too! Support this and other projects via our Patreon page: Over the next two months, Emily is building a lightweight wooden boat, which will be used as a sailing, rowing, and motoring dinghy for S/V ...